"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Fox yelled on the com-link. Fox flew out of Andross' lair, and into dark space in which his team was waiting. "YOU DID IT FOX!!! YOU DID IT!!!!" Slippy yelled. "Okay, I'll admit it Fox. You did good." Falco congratulated. "Your father would be proud Fox," Peppy said. Fox froze. A sudden shock of saddness wavered over him like a stormy cloud. He wiped his tears which seemed to be gushing from his eyes. It muffled his head-piece there for a second. "Fox you okay?" Peppy asked. After years as a team Peppy dosen't miss it when his teamates are down. "Yes, Peppy, I am fine..." "Okay" Peppy replied. The team docked in Great Fox to head back to Corneria to celebrate. Meanwhile back at Venom... Andross strained in frustration, anger, and pure madness took his fist and rammed into the comouter console. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I don't beleive it! 3 times in a row! 3 times he has defeated me!" Andross' eyes burning with a rage with so much eternal hatred for the Fox. Andross' second in command captain, knocked on the lair deep down 100 miles in the planet and said, "Sir, I know that you are deeply angry right now but..." Andross pulled out his light lance made of intense concentrated laser, turned around and sliced off the captain's head with ease. "Leave me alone," Andross ordered. He kicked the bloody head across the room. Andross walked over to the small microphone on top of his desk and said, "Star Wolf. Bring me Star Wolf." Then he said quietly to himeself, "We have another mission to complete. James' graveyard would do perfect. HA HA HA! The black warp hole will do fine..." He then smiled and walked out of the room. Leaving the dead body dripping with blood... Written By: StarfoxandWolf June 4, 1998