Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 Subject: Vixey Starr from ARCA9 Fox landed and turned off his engine. Falco walked up with ROB and a stretcher. "Where's Peppy?" He asked. "Back with Vixey taking care of five gefighters that showed up." "You ran from a fight?" "I brought Slippy back. I couldn't do any fancy flying with my arwing." Falco helped Fox put Slippy on the stretcher. "He does look better." Falco said. Slippy groaned and his eyes fluttered open. "I must still be dreaming." He said. "Only dreams never hurt this much." "Welcome back Slippy." Fox said. "You've been out for almost a week." "What happened?" Slippy said. "Last I remember is hurtling towards Titania." "You crashed." Falco said. "And Vixey saved you." "Who?" Slippy asked looking confused. "Vixey. She lives on Titania and luckily right next to where you crashed. She saved your life. We wouldn't have gotten to you in time." "Where is she? I want to say thanks." "She's coming up with Peppy." Fox said. "And when were you planning on tell me this?" Falco shouted. "Calm down. She's coming to take care of Slippy for a little while longer." Falco turned away. "Peppy is approaching with an unidentified arwing." ROB said. "Bring them in." Fox said. The two arwings were pulled into the bay. Peppy jumped out immediately. Vixey climbed down taking her helmet off. Her mouth gaped open as she looked around. "This room is bigger then my whole cave." "This is the Launching Bay." Fox said. "Is that her?" Slippy sat up. "So your finally awake?" Vixey walked over to him. "How do you feel? Any pain?" "No, but these bandages are uncomfortable." "You have to wear them for a while more." Vixey said. "ROB why don't you take Vixey and Slippy up to the Sick Bay." "Yes sir." ROB took the stretcher towards the elevator and Vixey followed. "I can walk myself." Slippy protested. "You don't have to baby me." Fox smiled as the elevator door shut. "What did she come for?" Falco said. "Andross knows where she lives and since she helped us she is in danger." Falco was silent at that. Fox headed up to the Control Room. He stared out the window at the planet beneath Great Fox. What do I do now? Andross will know we're here soon if he doesn't know already. We have to make ourselves scarce for a while until Slippy is better. "Map of the Lylat System on screen." Fox said. He scanned the picture of the planets and sectors. His eyes fell on the green and yellow dust of Sector X. "ROB." "Sir?" "Can you take us to Sector X?" "Yes sir." Fox heard Great Fox's engines fire up. As Great Fox turned from Titania Fox sat back in his chair. He sighed deeply. "ROB." "Yes sir?" "Is Vixey still in the Sick Bay?" "No sir. She is on the Fourth Level." Fox frowned. The Fourth Level was all but deserted. It had, for a while, been a cargo hold but no one had been there for a long time. Fox stood up and went to the elevator. Once inside he took it down to the Fourth Level. The doors opened and Fox walked out. Vixey was pushing the empty boxes away from the center of the room to form a sort of circle. "Need any help?" Fox asked. Vixey looked up. "It's okay for me to be down here right?" she asked. "It seemed like a good place to practice." "It's fine." Fox said. "We don't even use it anymore." "Good." Vixey said. "You're ship really is amazing." "Thanks." Fox said. "Since you're here do you think you could teach me that fighting thing." "If you really want to learn." Vixey said. "it's not easy." "Teach me." "I am bored to death up here." Slippy said. "Maybe I can help." Falco said walking in. "I have cards." "Great, can we play shoot?" "Sure. You deal." Slippy took the cards eagerly and began to shuffle. He then dealt them out one at a time until all the cards were out. They both flipped over their first card. "Mine." Slippy said taking the two cards. He put down another and Falco lay his on top. "You get that one Falco." Slippy said. Falco took the two cards but he seemed preoccupied. "Hey Falco what are you thinking about?" Falco looked up startled. "What?" "What are you thinking about?" "That vixen." "Vixey? Why?" "She's not telling us something, and Fox just invited her up here without asking anyone." "You mean without asking you. Peppy is fine with it and so am I, and Fox is our leader. He doesn't have to ask us in the first place." "Why did he have to bring her up here?" "Maybe you should ask him. I win." Slippy took the last of the cards. Falco stood up. "Just forget I said anything." "Good." Vixey said blocking Fox's punch. She had been training the Star Fox captain for the whole week that they have been hiding in Sector X. Slippy was improving fast and would soon be able to fly again. Vixey brought her arm over to hit Fox in his unguarded area. "Remember never to leave an opening. That's enough for today." Vixey stood up. "You're learning fast Fox." "I still have a way to go before I'm as good as you though." Fox said. "I have been practicing since I was three." Vixey said. "You are doing good for only a week of instruction though." "I've had a good teacher." Fox smiled. They headed to the elevator and took it up to the Control Room. "We are just hiding here like a bunch of scared rabbits." Falco's voice drifted to Fox's ears. "No affiance Peppy." "So you think we should leave now?" Fox asked. Falco looked up. "I think your right. Vixey says Slippy is well enough to fly again so I think we are ready to come out of hiding." Fox walked over to the Communication Screen. "Screen on." he said. "Star Fox calling General Pepper, Cornerian Army Base." The light flashed and the screen blinked on. General Pepper appeared on the screen. "Star Fox." The general said. "Where have you been? We were afraid you had been taken down." "No sir. Sorry we did not call you but we have been hiding out in Sector X." "What are your plans now?" "I have not discussed it with my squad yet but I am thinking about head to Venom to spy some." Fox heard the silence he had expected. The general looked at him for a second. "Are you sure Fox? I mean your father^Å" The general left the sentence unfinished. "I understand your concern sir, but with these new weapons Andross is coming up with I don't believe Katina or Corneria will be safe for much longer." "I agree but are you sure you want to do this?" "I know and trust my squad." Fox said. "I don't need anymore then that." "It is up to you of course." General Pepper said. "I will talk to later." The screen flicked off. Fox turned around. "Venom Fox?" Peppy asked. "Are you sure?" "Only if everyone agrees. I am not going to force anyone to go." "I am with you Fox." Peppy nodded. "Me too Fox." Slippy said. "You know us Fox." Falco said. "But what about her?" "Fox shifted his eyes to Vixey. He had gotten to know her better over the week but he could understand that his team would feel uncertain. "That is up to her. Vixey may not want to go with us." "Andross killed my parents. I will not give up the chance to hurt him." "Alright Falco. I think this decision is up to you." Fox said. "Do we take Vixey or not?" Falco looked taken aback by the direct question. He looked over at Vixey and then back to Fox. "We have to leave soon Falco." Fox said. "It's up to you." "She can come." Falco said quietly and then he left the room. "Fine." Fox said. "Welcome to Star Fox Vixey." he turned to the screen. "ROB, take us toward Venom." "Yes sir." ROB said. Great Fox turned to head for Venom. "Map of Venom on screen." Fox said. The picture that popped up had been taken from space. The green and yellow planet was shrouded in mist and no land was visible. Behind the planet Area 6 was slightly visible. Venom's only satellite was a small space station called Bolse. "We can go in through Area 6." Fox said. "Slippy should be able to pick up Andross' fortress and we can spy it out." "That won't work. Andross will know you're there before you do." Vixey broke in. Fox turned to her. "And how's that?" That satellite Bolse, Everyone only thinks it's a space station. It's really a control center that holds up a force field around the entire planet. Anything going to or from Venom has to pass by there." "How do you know so much about this." "I've spent my entire life around Venom." Vixey said. "I've watched others fail." "So how can we get in?" Fox asked. "Is there a way?" Vixey nodded. "By disabling Bolse the force field will be shut down." "What about Area 6?" Vixey looked unsure. "I don't know that much about it. It think it was supposed to be a space station but it looks like a pile of rubble now." "Well then that's the way we're going through. If it's abandoned then it will probably not be guarded." Fox said. "Fox? Can I go?" Vixey asked. "Sure." Vixey headed to the elevator. She took it down to the Launching Bay. As she stepped out into the Bay it seemed deserted. Falco's arwing was there so he had to be around. Vixey walked towards his arwing. Suddenly Falco came out of the back room where the extra parts were kept. He stopped at the sight of her. "Hi." She said. He walked past her to his arwing. "Falco I want to talk to you." "So talk." Falco climbed up into his arwing and started to mess around under the hood. "I know you don't trust me and I want to know why." Falco continued to bang around under the hood. "What do you want me to do?" she asked louder to be heard. The noises stopped and Falco lifted his head. "Leave." He said bluntly. "What have you got against me?" Vixey asked. "I want to know why you don't trust me." Falco jumped off his arwing and walked right up to Vixey. "I don't have any reason to trust you and I won't until you give me one." "I haven't given you any reason not to trust me Falco." Vixey said pushing her rising temper down. This was no time to loose it. "I think that the fact that we are both fighting Andross should be reason enough to get along. I don't have to be your friend Falco but I think it would make things easier." "We know nothing about." Falco said. "You could be anyone." "I'm Vixey Starr. I can tell you that much. And I hate Andross and want him dead. The rest of my past is to painful." Vixey then turned and left the Bay. By the next morning Area 6 was slightly visibly in the distance. "There it is." Fox said. "We should be there in a few hours." "What are we going to do when we get there?" Peppy asked. "It should hide us from view for a while, while we find out how to attack." Fox said. "Are you planning on taking Vixey's advice?" "She does know more about this part of Lylat then any of us do." Fox said. "Why? Do you think I shouldn't trust her." "No. I mean it is up to you. I just have this weird feeling that I know her from somewhere." Fox shrugged. "Maybe you saw her somewhere before." "Well anyway she's still down on Level 4. I don't think she's had anything to eat today." "She has been working pretty hard recently. Whenever I ask her why she just says she needs to. Wait are you suggesting I take some food to her?" Fox asked looking carefully at the old hare. "She is a nice vixen." Peppy said. Fox shook his head. "Don't go playing matchmaker Peppy. She is a squad member. But you're right. She does need to eat." He pulled out his communicator and turned it on. "Falco take some food down to Vixey. She's on Level 4. "But Fox^Å" Falco protested. "Do it Falco." Fox said strongly and he turned off the communicator. "Falco's not going to start trusting her just because you push them together." Peppy said. "Well I can't have two of my squad members fighting." In the Launching Bay Falco stared at his communicator and then slammed it down. Slippy looked up from the engine he was working on. "You won't get it fixed that way." The toad said. "Foxes. It's got to be foxes." Falco muttered to himself. He headed up to the kitchen and got some soup and a gratl and then took the elevator down to Level 4. His eyes adjusted to the low light as he stepped off the elevator. The large crates were stacked and positioned to make a passageway. Falco took the tray and headed down the narrow way. At the end of the passage was a large area that had been cleared out. Vixey stood in the center of the area facing away from Falco. The avis set the tray he was holding down as softy as possible. "Thanks Falco but I'm not hungry." Vixey said without turning around. Falco was not surprised. Fox had told him that she had good ears. "Fox told me to bring something down to you." He said. Vixey turned around to look at him. "You can go back up and tell Fox I'm not hungry." "What is it that you do down here anyway?" Falco asked. "I mean you've been down here for three days." "I've been practicing Th Arts. I want to be good in case I have a chance to kill Andross." Vixey said. "You really do hate Andross don't you?" Falco asked. "Yes. No matter what happens I really do." Vixey looked into Falco's eyes for a second and then turned away. Falco turned back to the elevator. For some strange reason he trusted her. As Great Fox pulled into Area six the whole Star Fox team was in the Control Room. "It does look like an abandoned space station." Peppy said. "That's what it is as far as I know." Vixey said. Area Six was filled with floating debris. The flagship's lasers disintegrated any pieces that floated to close to Great Fox. "You guys ready to go scout around?" Fox asked. Suddenly the ship's alarms blared. "Sir there are missiles on a collision course with Great Fox." ROB said. "Collision time is five minutes." "I thought you said it was abandoned." Falco yelled at Vixey. "Forget that now." Fox ordered. "Everyone to your arwing now." The Star Fox team raced to the Launching Bay. Fox strapped on his helmet and fired up his arwing's engine. "Let's go Star Fox." Fox said and he shot out of the Launching Bay. "Aright Slippy where are the missiles?" "Two are at one 'o clock, two at five, and another two at ten." Slippy said. "Slippy and Peppy get the two at one, Vixey and Falco at ten. I got the one at five." They broke formation. Fox did a quick U-turn and picked up the two missiles on radar. They were coming in fast and right at Great Fox. Fox angled out to come at the first one from the side. He shot his guns at the missile. The shot's hit their target as Fox's arwing shot past. He turned to come at it again. Another few passes and the missile exploded a safe distance from Great Fox. The Star Fox captain headed towards the other missile. "We got one Fox." Peppy said. "Ours are gone Fox. Need help?" Vixey said. "I got one left." Fox said. "I could use some help." Fox made a pass and shot at the missile. Falco and Vixey's arwings appeared from the left shooting at the missile. With the extra gun power the second missile exploded quickly. Fox blew past as the missile exploded behind him. "Fox!" Slippy cried. "The last missile is about to hit." Fox turned hard and headed for the last missile now dangerously close to Great Fox. Falco pulled up on his right and Vixey on his left as they shot forward. The three arwings shot at the same time hitting the missile on its side causing it to explode. Falco and Vixey pulled off to the sides and Fox shot out over the top of the exploding missile. "Yes!" Slippy cried. "We did it." Vixey said happily. "I guess you're good for something Fox." Falco said trying to be serious but Fox could hear the smile in his voice. "Is Great Fox alright ROB?" Fox asked. "No damage reported." ROB said. Fox sighed in relief as they headed into the Launching Bay. ROB opened the doors and angled in and landed. He jumped out and pulled off his helmet. "Good job guys." He said. "What happened? I thought you said this place was abandoned" Falco asked Vixey. "I've never been here before. How was I supposed to know? I just never saw anyone come in and out of here, and there were never any life form readings from here either." "She right about that." Slippy said. "There are no life form readings anywhere around here except for us." "Well either they monitor this area from Venom or this place is on an automatic alarm system. Either way they have to know we're here. So we either act now or we abort." "It is going to be impossible to sneak into Venom if we wait." Peppy said. "They will be on guard from now on." "That's true." Vixey said. "It's now or never." "Alright then. We go in." Fox said. "Everyone to your arwings." The Star Fox squad headed towards Bolse. The satellite was seemingly disserted but Fox knew that as soon as they got close the air would be thick with gefighters. "All right Vixey, what do we do?" Fox asked. "The six pillars are linked to the satellite core. That is what creates the force field. If we destroy those pillars we can get inside." "Hear that guys?" Fox said. "Let's rock and roll; and watch out for gefighters." Fox shot ahead towards Bolse. He headed towards the first pillar and shot it as he passed. It exploded and the sound of an alarm filled the air. "Here they come." Slippy said. "At five 'o clock." "All right guys go for it. No fancy flying. This is too dangerous for that. Just get as many of them as you can." Fox said. "Star Fox break." Fox pulled his arwing to the side. He headed towards two gefighters heading toward him. He fired quickly and before the two fighters could respond they were burning. Fox accelerated past them and chased another. The air around him was thick with gefighters. He had been born to do this and he loved it. A laser hit his wing. Only minor damage, nothing to worry about. "Fox." It was Vixey. "We've got Star Wolf headed this way." Now that's something to worry about. Fox turned his head to look back. Sure enough the five Star Wolf gefighters were coming. Fox did a tight U-turn. "So Star Fox. Come to die like your father? He did the exact same thing you are doing." Wolf said. "But there is one difference." Fox said. "I won't fail." Fox turned his attention to the pillars now. The only way they could secede was to get the force field down. Even if they could not get in right away the field would be down for a few days until Bolse could be fixed. "You will die the same way your father did." Wolf said. "Screaming like a kit." Fox growled and shot at Wolf's gefighter. The gefighter barrel rolled and they shot past each other. "At least your father tried to sneak in. All of Venom knows you are here now." "Fox." It was Vixey. "He is trying to distract you. Shoot the pillars." Fox pushed his anger aside and turned towards the pillars. Two were already destroyed. Fox fired on another and it exploded. Three gefighter moved to intercept. He breezed past them and shot another pillar. "Four down. Two to go." He said to himself. "Fox we've got one of Andross' flagships headed this way." Peppy said. "They're closing fast." "Get the last two pillars. We can't retreat now." Fox said. "Got one." Slippy said. "The gefighters are covering the last one like fleas on a dog." "All right guys cover me." Fox said. "We're going in." Three arwings moved in front of him and began shooting. They headed towards the pillar shooting gefighters as they went. "Dang. I'm hit." Falco said. "Keep going." Fox said. Lasers shot past his arwings. They pushed back the gefighters from the pillar. Fox took aim and shot the last pillar. A strange red light surrounding Venom flickered. Bolse shook and the light blinked again and went out. "Force field down. Force field down." An alarm blared. "Move Star Fox." Fox said. He did a U-turn headed back out away from Bolse. There was a flagship in the way. "Pull back." Fox ordered. "They've got us." Peppy said. "We got to close." Fox turned away but the arwing did not move. "D~mnit." Fox said in aspiration banging his paws down. "So Fox. History repeats itself." Wolf said laughing. "I'm sorry guys." Fox said. "Falco." Vixey said. Her voice sounded strained. "Remember what I told you. No matter what happens." "What?" Falco asked. Vixey did not answer as the five arwings were pulled into the flagship. They were met by and army of Andross' guards. Fox pulled out his gun and pushed his hatch open. He was ready to go down fighting. Star Wolf flew into the Bay and the team jumped out of their fighters. "Don't be a fool Fox." Wolf said. "Every gun in this place is on you and your friends." "At least I will be able to take you out with me." Fox said. "Hold it." A voice rang out. Everyone in the bay turned to look. Vixey stood on top of her wing. "Vixey?" Wolf said. "Is that you?" "Of course." Vixey jumped down. Some of the guards in the bay put their guns to her. "Get those away from me." Vixey kicked out knocking the gun from the paw of the nearest animal. "Hold it." Wolf said. "Put down your guns." The animals pulled back from Vixey. "Now get those Star Fox." Wolf ordered. Fox was to dumbfounded to resist as he was pulled from his arwing and tied. He was pulled towards Wolf who had been joined by Vixey. "So what were you doing with this scum?" Wolf asked her. "I figured since Andross wanted them I could bring them here and maybe he would take me back." Vixey said. "I'm not sure he will. You have been gone for a while. Andross does not like animals who run out on him." Wolf said. "But when he sees what you brought he will be pleased." "You're going to take her back just like that?" Pigma walked up. "She could be lying." Fox was still in a daze. No. This can not be happening. He thought. How can she do this? "Oh Fox." Vixey said. "I guess its like father like son." She laughed. Vixey was dying inside. On the way into the flagship she had realized something. They would never escape if they were all captured. She had worked for Andross. She had been wrong. I cannot think of that now. Wolf sat in a seat facing the main screen. They would be landing in five minutes. Vixey looked around. There were many new faces. They would not know her or what she had done. But there were others that she knew. If she could gain their respect back it might work. "I'm going to see the prisoners." Vixey said to Wolf. "Call me when we're there." She walked out of the room. Now they will still be watching me. Even Wolf does not trust me completely yet. I have to put up and act. Fox please forgive me. She still remembered the dark passageways to the guardroom. It seemed like only yesterday that she had been walking them to see^Å Vixey shook her head. A cat stood outside the door. Vixey recognized him. His name was Greg. "Let me pass." She said. "No one is allowed in here except Wolf." Greg said. "You know I have more authority them you Greg. Don't make me hurt you." Greg unlocked the door and let her in. "That's better." She said entering. The door closed behind her. The four members of Star Fox were chained to the wall. Fox's head hung limply. "So, like your new accommodations?" she said. Fox's head shot up. Vixey flinched at the look of hate on his face. She forced a scowl to her face too. "The great Star Fox team brought in by a girl. This will be sure to get me my place back." "You are scum." Fox growled. "How could you do this?" "It was easy." Vixey smiled evilly. "You are a trusting fool. Just like your father." Fox lunged against his chains. Vixey walked towards him staying just out of his reach. "You would like to tare me apart more then anything wouldn't you?" Fox growled again. Inside Vixey felt her heart breaking. "Is she in there?" Wolf asked Greg. "Yes sir." He answered. "What's going on?" "She has been laying it to that fox. He has this face like you would not believe. If he didn't have those chains on she'd be dead." "Good. I have to have proof for Andross that she is loyal to him. Then I can torture them all I want." The flagship landed on the airstrip next to Andross' fortress. And that was what it was, a fortress. The walls, surrounding the actual house, were pure steel. There was a huge dome covering the top and was also unbreakable. The Star Fox team was pushed out in front of them. The guards milling around watched open mouthed as the Star Fox team was lead in. Some of the animals that knew Vixey watched her and some nodded a hello. Vixey walked beside Wolf down the hallway to the main control room where she knew Andross would be. He was there sitting in front of a computer. "Wolf what do you have to report." Andross' said looking up. "Vixey is back sir." Wolf said and they walked closer. "Vixey?" Andross said. "I thought you were long since dead. What are you doing here?" "She brought in the Star Fox team sir." Wolf said. "She what?" Andross' voice rose. "Where are they?" "Bring them in." Vixey ordered. The doors pushed open and the Star Fox team was brought in. Andross laughed allowed. "How did you manage this Vixey?" "I gained their trust sir. That is why I have been gone for all this time. I told them what to do and they did it. They are just trusting fools." "Like your father Fox." Andross said. "Vixey since you brought them in I will give you the first chance to torture them." Okay how do I get out of this on without raising suspicion? "No my lord, that is your privilege." She said. "Very well Vixey." Andross said. "Bring that toad here." Slippy was pulled from the group. Fox could see the fear in the toad's eyes. Andross pulled out a gun and pointed it at Slippy. It fired a lightning bolt right at Slippy. Slippy screamed as he fell to the ground. Fox struggled against the guards that held him. "And the avis." Slippy was pulled back away from Andross. Fox was relieved to see that he was still breathing. Five guards pulled Falco out in front of Andross. It took that many to move him. Andross hit him with the lightning gun and the avis screamed. Fox growled. "Andross you're fight is with me. Leave my team alone." "Yes it is isn't it? Andross smiled. "But I am hurting you far worse this way then I could by hitting you with any other weapon I have. Bring out the hare." Peppy was hit the hardest. As he screamed Fox fell to his knees, his ears ringing. Tears streamed down his face. "No matter what Andross, even if you kill me and my team, Lylat will never be yours. Corneria will never give in to you." "That is one opinion." Andross said. "Take them away. Wolf I want them ready for tomorrow." "Yes sir." Wolf said. The Star Fox team was dragged down into the basement and into one of the many cells. Fox was chained to the wall while Falco, Slippy, and Peppy were laid on stone tables. All three were awake but in pain. Vixey walked in with a jar of a green liquid. She lifted Slippy's head and poured some of it down his throat. "Taste's good." Slippy sighed and then his eyes closed. "What is that?" Fox demanded. "Nothing much. Just one of Andross' inventions. It promotes healing. You're friends will be perfectly fine by tomorrow." "Why?" Fox asked. "Because then they can torture us again." Falco said. Vixey took the liquid and gave some to Peppy. The hare sighed and fell asleep. Then she moved on to Falco. Wolf got right up in Fox's face. "Of course I would love to get five minutes alone with you. You'd wish you had never been born." He growled. "But my master has plans for you." Behind Wolf Fox saw Vixey lean over and say something to Falco. He looked up at her and nodded. He took the jar and drank some of the liquid. Vixey walked back over to Wolf. "Well Fox. I leave you miserable." Wolf said. "Come on Vixey." They left the room. Wolf led Vixey back upstairs. Pigma met them at the top of the stairs. "So you're back." He squealed. "So you're not dead." Vixey said. "I'm surprised." "This is one thing I didn't miss when you left Vixey." Wolf said. "Something doesn't seem to fit." Pigma said still looking at Vixey. "Could be your nose. It always was a little to big." "You^Å.you^Å" Pigma steamed. "Shut up Pigma." Wolf said. "but she^Å" "Now Pigma." Wolf growled. Pigma snorted and turned away from Vixey. Leon and Andrew walked up. "So you're back Vixey." Leon said. "It's been a long time." "Yes." Vixey said. "How did you manage to catch Star Fox?" "It was easy." She smiled. "I just earned their trust and I had them." "You took down some of our fighters." Andrew said. "An reasonable loss. I couldn't refuse to shoot anyone down. I'd have given my plan away right then." "In any case you're back Vixey." Wolf said. "I of course need to test you to make sure you haven't gotten soft since you've been gone." "She doesn't look soft to me." Leon raised an eyebrow. "Come on Vixey." Wolf said. "To the Training Room." Vixey and Wolf circled each other. Leon, Andrew, and Pigma sat on the sidelines watching. The fight did not last long. Wolf pushed her and she pushed back. She never took the numerous advantages he gave her. He knew she was better then she was letting on but she refused to show her full potential. "All right. Stop." Wolf finally said. "You're back on Star Wolf as my wingman. You've only gotten better." "Thank you Wolf." Vixey said. "And I want to put you in full charge of the prisoners. I know that you being down there will make Fox quite mad." "Of course sir." Vixey soluted and then left the room. The next morning Peppy, Slippy and Falco were fine. Fox was happy to see his friends healthy again though he knew it could not be for long. "I'm really sorry guys." Fox said suddenly. Peppy and Slippy looked up. "It's not your fault." Slippy said. "Yea it is." Falco broke in. "Falco^Å" Peppy protested. "Well if he wants to blame himself then let him." Falco said getting up. Fox gritted his teeth. Falco kept going. "I mean you must have known that Vixey was going to betray us so you lead us right into a trap. Then you didn't do a single thing to try and go down fighting instead you just gave up. And you didn't even care when we were tortured." "Falco you are crazy." Fox said. "Get off your self pity kick and start acting like the Star Fox captain you are. We need you." Falco said. Fox nodded. Vixey headed down to the dungeon. Now that she had access to Fox and the others she could start to come up with a plan to get them out. She knew that Andross would not keep them alive for long. It had to be soon. As soon as possible. Bolse would be fixed within the next two days. After that escape would be all but impossible. Greg let Vixey into the room without any trouble. As she entered she saw Falco, Slippy, and Peppy sitting on the back table. The chains Fox had been in hung empty. "Where's Fox?" Vixey asked scared he had already been taken to be killed. "Right here." He gun was pulled from her holster and she found herself flung against the wall the gun at her throat. "Wait Fox." Vixey said. "Why should I?" Fox asked. "You'd be dead right now if Falco hadn't told me to give you a chance to explain." "Vixey, is everything all right in there?" Greg asked from outside. Vixey looked at Fox and replied. "No. it's nothing. I just had to bash them around a bit. Go back to your post." "Yes ma'am." Greg said. "Now I want to know what's going on." Fox growled. "And it better be good." "I am so sorry it had to work like this. If there had been any other way^Åwell there wasn't. I knew when we were captured that they're be no way to escape and this was the only way we would ever be able to escape." "So you did work for Andross." Peppy said. Vixey nodded. "I'm not proud of it. I left a few seasons ago when I found out what Andross really was." "That's where I know you from." Peppy said. "You^Åyou were there when James and I were captured." Vixey nodded again. "How do we know you're telling the truth?" Fox said. "You could still be lying." Vixey reached into her pocket and pulled out a pair of black sunglasses. "You know what these are right?" Fox gaped at the glasses. "Those are my father's. Where did you get them?" "He gave them to me." Vixey said. "Wait. I think it would be better for everyone if you just explained everything." Peppy said. "Start from the beginning." Vixey nodded. "I was born and raised on Titania by my parents. Then when I was ten Andross attacked. I didn't know what was happening then, or that it was Andross. I was too young. I just remember a jumble of emotions. Fear and anger, then loneliness. I was the only survivor in my village. I remember Wolf finding me. He took pity on me and brought me back to Venom. There he told me that Corneria and Star Fox had done this to my family. I believed him. I had nothing else to believe. He brought me up thinking Corneria was the enemy. I fought with a vengeance. Till the day your father was captured." She paused. She saw the others were waiting patiently. She tried to get her thoughts in order. "I was excited when I found out about Pigma turning Star Fox over. They had been the symbol of everything I hated for so long. I can still see the arwing being brought in. Your father, Fox, jumping out ready to go down fighting. He was no match though. As he was dragged off unconscious his sunglasses fell from his pocket. I picked them up before anyone else saw them. That night I went to see him. He had not been tortured yet. I remember the hatred I felt for him as I went into the room. Then he looked up at me." Vixey stopped as she felt the old emotions wash over her. She felt tears begin to run down her face. "His eyes, they were like nothing I had ever seen before. His eyes had made me remember my own father. Everything Wolf had trained out of me came back. I realized that I had been wrong. Then he said something that I never forgot. He asked me what such a nice girl was doing working for Andross. I ran out of there as fast as I could. I went back of course, many times. We talked almost every night. He told me about Corneria and Andross, and about you Fox." She looked up. Fox had tears in his eyes too. "He loved you so much. When he was taken away I snapped. I helped Peppy escape and then I ran away to live on Titania." "And the sunglasses?" Fox asked. "James told me to bring the glasses to you but I never could. I was too ashamed of what I had done. I didn't know what you would think of me. Even when you showed up on Titania I couldn't." She stood up. "But I'm not going to let that happen again." She walked over and handed the glasses to Fox. "I'm getting you all out tonight." Vixey headed back upstairs trying to come up with a plan. Bolse was still down but she knew it could go back up anytime. If they could get to their arwings she knew they could get out. If only there was a way to contact ROB or Corneria and have them come and create a distraction. Maybe there is. Vixey headed to the Control Room of the fortress. There were a few other animals in the room but none of them paid her any attention. She made her way over to one of the computers in the corner. After making sure no one was watching she quickly type out a message. Cornerian Army, Star Fox needs your assistance on Venom. We need you to create a distraction sometime tonight. Please inform ROB also and please be here. Signed, A friend Vixey pushed the button for the message to be sent. "I see you've made yourself at home Vixey." Vixey looked up to see Andross. She fought panic. Had he seen what she had done? "Yes my lord." She smiled. "Though without Star Fox in the sky the war should be over soon." "I like the way you think Vixey." Andross said. "I am planning on sending a fleet to Corneria tonight right after we get Bolse back on line." Oh shit Vixey thought. "So soon my lord." "Of course." Andross said. "Star Fox did a number on the grid but it will be up by tonight." "Good, no if that is all I have somewhere to be my lord." "Fine." Andross said. "Go ahead." Vixey let out a breath of relief when she was out of the room. Now to get out of here we not only need the Bay clear but everything else as well. Then she smiled and hurried down the hall. Fox paced nervously in the cell. His father's glasses were clutched in his hand. "How could I ever have doubted her." He said. "Fox we all thought the worst." Peppy said. "There was nothing else to think." "But after everything she did for us." Fox said. "I'm just glad she forgave us." "You mean you." Falco said. "I mean you can't go out with someone if she hates you." "Falco^Å" "Emergency, Emergency." An alarm suddenly blared. "Report to the Launching Bay. We are under attack. All pilots report." "What the^Å?" Falco said the door swung open. Vixey came in smiling. "Well they came. You ready to go?" "Totally." Fox said. The Star Fox team followed Vixey up the stairs. When they reached the top of the stairs she stopped. "Now let's make sure the halls are clear." She said pushing a button on a remote control in her hand. Another alarm blared. "What did you do?" Fox asked. "Bombs are so much fun." She smiled. "I have a bigger one rigged too. As soon as we're out of here this whole place is going up. The Cornerian Army is ready to cover us." Vixey stuck her nose out and saw the way was clear. She motioned for them to follow. They got to the Launching Bay luckily without anyone seeing them. Falco, Slippy and Peppy all ran to their arwings and shot off. Fox waited as Vixey locked the doors to make sure no one could follow them. "Come on." Fox said. They turned to the arwings. Andross stood in front of them a gun in his hand. "Just as I thought." He said. "Do you think we can't check message that are sent?" "I have wanted to kill you for so long. You killed my parents and destroyed my home." "Are you threatening me?" Andross asked. "No." Vixey then pulled a dagger from her belt and leapt at Andross. He did not react fast enough. Vixey's dagger cut his throat open as he pulled the gun up and fired. Vixey screamed and fell back as Andross crumpled to the floor. "Vixey." Fox screamed. He ran over to her. "For my parents, and Lylat." She said and her eyes closed. "No you don't." Fox said picking her up. He carried her to his arwing and put her inside. He shot out of the open Bay doors. Above Venom he could see the Cornerian Army fighting the Venomian forces. A wolfin appeared in front of him. "Stand and fight Fox." Wolf growled. "Get out of my way Wolf." Fox said. "Andross is dead. There is no reason to fight anymore." "You lie." Wolf screamed. Fox took the remote control from Vixey's paw and pressed the button. Below them on Venom the fortress exploded. Wolf gaped in horror and all the fighting stopped. "You're leader is dead." Fox said. "There is nothing left." The gefighters all turned and flew away from the Cornerian wings. Wolf turned and flew towards Venom. Fox let him go. He flew towards Great Fox. Slippy, Falco and Peppy met him half way. "It's finally over guys." Fox sighed. "Andross is dead but Vixey's hurt." They landed in the Launching Bay. Fox, with Falco's help lifted Vixey out of the arwing and lay her on the floor. "We need a doctor." Fox said. "Someone^Åquick." "No wait." Falco said pulling a jar from his pocket. There was a green liquid in it. "How?" Fox wanted to know. "She told me to keep some just in case." He said. He poured the contents of the jar into Vixey's mouth. Her eyes fluttered open. "Vixey?" Fox asked. "Is Andross dead?" she whispered. "Yes, and the fortress is destroyed." Fox said. "And am I Star Fox now?" "Of course." Fox said. Vixey smiled and then she closed her eyes and went to sleep. There now you know my story. ~Vixey Starr~