Nester Weekly Original #1

"Star Nester 64"

Written by Nsider VanBrain, September 6, 1998.

Nester and the Star Fox team are flying Arwings over Corneria City.

General Pepper (through the intercom): "Andross has declared war! Don't let us down, Star Fox! And keep Nester out of trouble this time!"

Fox: "I'll do my best! Andross won't have his way with us! Right, Nester?"

Nester: "Yeah. When do I get to shoot something?"

Falco: "Incoming enemy fighters at twelve-o'clock!"

Nester: "Is that Eastern or Pacific?"

Fox: "My watch must be slow."

Nester spreads his fire, takes out some enemies and accidently shoots Falco.

Falco: "Hey! Do I look like Andross to you!"

Nester: "No, but why would you want to?"

Slippy: "Enemy robot, dead ahead!"

Nester: "Great! Then our work here is done!"

Fox: "Watch closely, Nester. If I can fly through its legs and do a loop through them again, it makes a 1-up appear!"

Nester: "Ha! I can fly circles around that bag of bolts!"

Nester runs into it, destroys it and crashes his Arwing.

Peppy: "I'll be a monkey's uncle!"

Nester (stumbling out of his Arwing): "Did he just say he was Andross's uncle?"

Fox: "Could anyone be more careless?"

General Pepper: "Yes, me, for giving him a second chance."

Based on "Nester's Adventures" written by Scott Pelland for Nintendo Power magazine. Nester originally created by Howard Phillips.