Introduction: It has been 15 years since they great Starfox team saved the Lylat system from the tyranny of Andross. After his defeat, the Lylatians congratulated the Starfox team, and they set off to seek out new threats to the system. They honed theirs skills by savi ng planets from terrorists, aiding supply ships through hazardous space, etc. Eventually, there was nothing left for the Starfox team to protect Lylat from. The Starfox team headed by Fox McCloud retired, and was disbanded. General Pepper incorporated the Starfox title into the Cornerian Army. Corneria's best of the best became members of this new elite division. After some time, the Starfox name lost its glamour and respect to the next generation of hot shot pilots who were reckless and destructive. Abou t 3 years ago, a squadron of Starfox members accidentally destroyed a friendly supply armada mistaking it for an invading army. The Cornerian Government disbanded the Starfox division, and the name went to shame. Most of Lylat's military capabilities and artillery have been disassembled, and the government has focused on more productive projects. Now Lylat is at peace, but as the saying goes, history has a tendency to repeat itself... Before we start - the cast: Fox McCloud - ex Starfox leader Falco Lombardi - ex Starfox member Peppy Hare - ex Starfox member Slippy Toad - ex Starfox member General Pepper - Cornerian Army General Tyrell Ruirrel - Member of Cornerian Army Celine Sellop - Member of Cornerian Army Bandit Moren - Member of Cornerian Army Rembit Chon - New Lylatian Order Leader Stemis Rish - NLO member Nomae Forse - NLO member Wolf O'Donnel - ex Starwolf leader Fara Pheonix Fox - Fox's wife Katt Monroe - Falco's ex girlfriend Bill Grey - ex member of Starfox team Chancellor Prestine - Leader of Lylat Derwick Hern - Mercenary for hire Chapter 1 The Reckoning Part 1 - Discovery on Macbeth "Wow, check this out!" yelled Tyrell on his sub space radio. "What is it?" asked his wingman Bandit. "Another one of his wild goose chases! That's what it is!" laughed Celine. Tyrell Ruirrel, Celine Sellop, and Bandit Moren were members of the Cornerian Army out on a training mission on Macbeth. Tyrell is the son of Lan and Wench Ruirrel, and is considered one of the best pilots in the Cornerian Army. His wingmen Celine Sello p and Bandit Moren were his best friends. They did everything together. They had been friends since elementary flight school. Tyrell knew little about Celine's past, but Bandit was the son of Falco Lombardi, ex member of the Starfox team. "It is an old weapons store house!" said Tryell. "It's the one the Starfox team and my dad destroyed during the Lylatian War. It belonged to Andross," replied Bandit. "If only the Starfox team was what it used to be, a glamorous division of the Cornerian Army that went to the dogs because of idiotic hot shot pilots, like Rembit Chon," said Celine. Part 2 - The Past About 3 years ago, Rembit Chon was leading a squadron of the Starfox team to investigate a disturbance in Sector Y. Upon arrival, a supply armada was spotted, and they confronted them. Stemis Rish and Normae Forse, his two companions, got false readings d ue to the magnetic distortions in the area. They identified them as enemy craft, and Rembit Chon ordered the squadron to open fire. The supply ships were obliviated in seconds. As they searched the debris, a piece of one of the hulls floated by with th e name "Macbeth Supply Armada, no3" inscribed on it. The regulations were that until positive identification can be made, no open fire is authorized. Sector Y is a "Cease Fire" zone, since no positive identification of passing ships can be made there. He should of let them clear the area, then proceed with the search. The Cornerian Government had had enough of the accidents caused by the Starfox division. They got congress to pass a bill disbanding the division. Fox McCloud and Peppy Hare, ex member s of the Starfox team begged General Pepper to do something to save the name, but he was powerless. Fox McCloud watched his father's dreams and legacy go down in flames. Fox and Peppy went off, and were never heard of again. Slippy is now and instructo r at the Engineering Academy on Corneria. Falco is retired from the Cornerian Army, to raise his son in his image. For 3 years, Lylat has been at peace, working on the newest project to bring them closer to peace with other systems, the Transport Interl ock Gateway. This device is being constructed now in Corneria's space. In the neighboring system, the Gerun System, another one is being constructed over Betin2, the main planet of the system. When travelling through the Gateway, you are instantaneously transported to the other system. However, certain disturbances have occurred on Betin2, and the source of these problems is linked to a new terrorists group called the New Lylatian Order. They want to rule Lylat and Gerun. Their leader is a familiar f ace to General Pepper, who banished this person from the Cornerian Army. Part 3 - The New Lylatian Order "Everything is going as planned, boss," spoke Stemis Rish. "When the TIG is complete, we will use it to invade Lylat. Then we will destroy it all! I will rule Lylat and Gerun as the supreme leader." Remarked Rembit Chon with a smirk. "Do not be too hasty, boss. They still are too powerful for our small army," said Normae Forse. "You overestimate their power. With the feared Starfox division disbanded, and all attention directed to this TIG, they are relatively unprotected. We just have to wait for the TIG to be completed, then we can lead our armies to the heart of Lylat, and destroy it!" answered Rembit. "What about "The" ex Starfox team? They still live and have their array of weapons still at hand. Won't they intervene and stop us?" asked Normae. "HA! Fox and Peppy haven't been heard of since the Starfox team was terminated. Slippy never was a very good fighter, and is the only one left that could fight!" chuckled Rembit. "What about Bandit's father, Falco Lombardi? He still resides on Corneria, and could fight us!" gasped Stemis. "He hasn't been in action since the Skirmish of Titania, where Katt Monroe was killed. He thought he was a failure, and hasn't recovered since. I will complete his failure by killing his son when we invade Lylat." Laughed Rembit. "So boss, when do we attack?" asked Normae. "The TIG will be completed in a month. We will prepare out forces for the invasion then. Our first target will be Katina, since any remains of the once might Cornerian army is there. When it is destroyed, Lylat is ours for the taking!" answered Rembit. Part 4 - Falco Ever since Katt died at the Skirmish of Titania, Falco hasn't been the same. His hotheaded temper is only a memory. He now is more peaceful and caring, especially for his son, bandit. He wants to raise Bandit to be a better pilot than he was, teaching him to be careful and cautious. Falco still is friends with Slippy, and the regularly visit to talk about their great adventures. They both miss Fox and Peppy. They ran off together after General Pepper disbanded the Starfox division. Fox turned again st Slippy and Falco for staying on Corneria and thought they were supporting General Pepper's idea. Falco had a son in the Cornerian Army, Slippy instructed students at the academy. For that, Fox has decided that Slippy and Falco are his enemies, and sw ore that the next time they met, one of them would not leave alive. About a year ago, a message from General Pepper requested that Falco and Slippy report to him. When they arrived, Fox was there, with a face full of anger. Peppy had died, but his last request was that he be buried on Corneria, and that the old team is present at the funeral. Fox granted his wishes, and had returned to Corneria. After the funeral, Falco and Slippy begged Fox to stop this insane vendetta against Corneria. He turned h is shoulder, and never looked back. Falco's last words to him were, "I have lost two of my best friends today. One lies here next to me. And if you truly are still angry with us all, then you my friend, are truly dead." Fox was never seen again, and F alco and Slippy still remember the glory days and dream of the day they will all be united again. Chapter 2 - The Invasion Begins. Part 1 - The Transport Interlock Gateway The boldest project that the Lylatians have embarked on, the TIG is the key to peace between Gerun and Lylat. - 1 month after Ch 1. "Stemis, launch the fleet. We begin our attack in 1 hour," commanded Rembit. "Yes, master," replied Stemis. "Should I deploy a scout ship to check out the area surrounding the TIG?" asked Normae. "No, it is unprotected right now. The Lylatian work day has ended, no one will be there for hours," replied Rembit. "The fleet is ready to attack, sir," reported Stemis. "Good, deploy the fleet for the TIG," instructed Rembit. Then, one by one, the NLO armada was en route to their destination, the TIG. Part 2 - The attack commences. "General Pepper, wake up!" shouted a guard. "What is it? Why have you waken me at this hour?" demanded Pepper. "The TIG outpost orbiting Betin2 has reported that their long range sensors have detected a fleet of ships approaching. They have tried to hail them, but there has been no response. Commander Briks requests your assistance," the guard reported. "Get me to the command center, I will contact him from there," said Pepper. "Yes sir, right away," and the guard sent for a shuttle. - At the command center. "Commander Briks, do you copy, over?" asked General Pepper. "I copy, sir. General, I request your advice on the present situation. A large fleet of ships is approaching rapidly, and will not answer our hails," said Briks. "Dispatch a scouting party to try close range communication, they might be in trouble," instructed Pepper. "Yes sir," replied Briks. -At the TIG outpost in Betin2 space. "Dispatch a scouting part now," commanded Briks. "Scouting party deployed," replied his second in command. "General Pepper, the scouting party is en route as we speak," said Briks. "Good, keep us informed," answered Pepper. "Sir, we have approached the fleet, commencing hails now," said the scout leader. "No response sir, on all frequencies," said the leader. "EMERGENCY MANEUVERS!" cried the leader, "AHHHHH!" "Commander Briks, we are under attack! Send reinforcements now!" commanded a pilot. "NO!" yelled another pilot. "Sir, we're losing them," the COM man reported. "Get them out of there now, send in reinforcements, all crew to battle stations now!" commanded Briks. "General Pepper, we are under attack from the fleet. We were taken by surprise. They're coming. We can't stop them!" screamed Briks. "Sir, we've lost the signal," said a surveyor. "Get the army ready for attack, get everyone back to base now," shouted Pepper. "Yes sir," answered a Lt. "Sir, we can't stop them. They will get us before we can get our forces ready. We must warn the other planets and get reinforcements," said a Lt. "What reinforcements? We have been downsizing for 3 years. We have 15 percent of our original forces. We are doomed," sighed Pepper. "Who could this new enemy be?" thought Pepper to himself. Part 3 - The enemy advances. "Good work, my fleet has crushed the TIG outpost and its defenses. We can now invade Lylat," said Rembit. "Sir, the outpost warned Corneria of our approach, they will be ready," said Stemis. "No they won't. They will never get their forces ready in time to combat us. With practically no reinforcements left on any other planet, Lylat will be crushed in one swift stroke," chuckled Rembit. "We will be glorious, master," said Normae. "Yes we will, and Pepper will see the end of his precious system," laughed Rembit. The fleet then approached the TIG. "Sir, the TIG has been activated," reported Stemis. "Good, order the fleet to proceed," commanded Rembit. "Yes sir," replied Stemis. The fleet entered the portal, and vanished into a bright array of colors. Lylat was doomed. Part 4 - All for one... "Celline, have you heard? A space armada is invading Lylat!" cried Tyrell. "What the heck?" replied Bandit. "What should we do?" asked Celline. "We have orders to report to CA central command base to deploy for the TIG over Corneria immediately," said Tyrell. "What are we waiting for, let's go!" shouted Bandit. The three of them rushed to their ZX1 Arwings, and raced for Corneria. - Corneria Central Command Base. "Yes Falco, this new enemy is advancing towards Corneria. I was wondering if there was any chance for you and Slippy to join us?" begged Pepper. "I am sorry, General. I am too old, and besides, I haven't flown for 10 years," replied Pepper. "I see, so your going to turn your back on us like Fox, going down without a fight, losing your honor to your ignorance," replied Pepper. "How dare you, of all people, speak to me of honor and turning backs on people. You are a disgrace for destroying the Starfox team. You know you could of saved it, but you wanted to have more control of your army. You didn't want your hot shots running off and becoming heroes without you getting any credit. You let them destroy it, you bastar..." General Pepper cut him off, "I am sorry for my actions in the past, but that is where they stay. I would do anything to have one more chance to correct that mistake. But I can't. You still have a chance, by joining us and fighting the enemy. The pilots will follow you, and they will all become part of the mighty Starfox team, regardless if your uniform does not say it, or if your ship does not have the official crest. You will all be Starfox members in your hearts." Falco's face suddenly changed, "Ok, I will join the fight. I will contact Slip and we will be ready." "Thank you Falco, I wish Fox was here to see this," said Pepper. "Don't worry, once word gets loose of this, he won't be gone for long," replied Falco. "Rendezvous with us in 2 hrs," instructed Pepper. - At the old Starfox headquarters on Katina. "You ready for this Slip?" asked Falco. "Ready as I'll ever be," replied Slippy. "All right, G-Diffuser online, controls online, hyper lasers online, all systems are go. Beginning the count down sequence," said Falco. "Here we go again," laughed Slippy. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go!" yelled Falco. The Arwings' engines rumbled, and in seconds, they were at light speed for Corneria. The Starfox team was reborn. Chapter 3 - Old Heroes Part 1 - The New Crew. - Bandit, Celline and Tyrell have just arrived a CA Central Command Base to receive further instructions from General Pepper. "General, they have arrived," reported a sergeant. "Good, bring them here," replied Pepper. "Ah, welcome, I have been expecting you. I will brief you on the present situation," said Pepper. "So, what dumb terrorist group is lame brained enough to threaten us?" asked Tyrell. "A group strong enough to take out our TIG outpost over Betin2," answered Pepper. "WHAT?" said all three in unison. "Correct. They are calling themselves the New Lylatian Order. We have no information on them except they have caused small disturbances in the Betin2 area," said Pepper. "What can we do to stop them?" asked Bandit. "Unfortunately, they are minutes away. I have deployed your father and Slippy to get their old crafts ready, and I want you three to join them," said Pepper. "No way, you mean, the Starfox team is back?" asked Celline. "I never 'officially' said that," Pepper replied. "My father, I don't think that is such a good idea, we would just get in the way," said Bandit. "Nonsense, you guys are the best three pilots this army has seen in a long time. You belong aside them in battle. They need you," said Pepper. "We'll do it, general," replied Tyrell. They ran off to rendezvous with the other two. As they ran off, Pepper whispered to himself, "Good luck. They're going to need it. Part 2 - Old Friends - The Cornerian Palace "Chancellor Prestine, you requested my presence?" asked Pepper. "Yes, old friend. I want you to recruit some more members for your lead team. I have been informed by my scouts that there are four people that are skilled enough for the position," said the chancellor. "Who are they?" asked Pepper. "One is Bill Grey. He requested that he be on the front line for this battle. My scouts tell me he still is quite a pilot. I want him to be on the team. Next is Wolf O'Donnel. I understand he was an agent to Andross. How would he be recommended to me ?" said Prestine. "He was conned by Andross, sir. It is a long story. He joined the Starfox team to replace Peppy Hare, when he retired from action. He still is in the army as a Lt. Comdr. I will recruit him right away," answered Pepper. "The last two are Fara Pheonix and Derwick Hern, Fox's wife and the other is a mercenary for hire. These four will be invaluable to us. Don't fail us Pepper. If you do, all of Lylat will be doomed. Good luck general," said Prestine. "I won't fail you, sir," answered Pepper. Part 3 - History of the new fox four Wolf O'Donnel was best friends with Bill Grey and Fox McCloud at the academy. Wolf's real father was the leader of the Space Pirates. When they were about 5, The Battle of Sector Z occurred. During the battle, Wolf's dad was killed by one of the Starfox member's. Pigma Dengar had killed him. Andross, who knew he would be exiled after his next experiment, was already thinking ahead. He knew he would need military support to continue his experiments on the world he was banished to so Pepper could not stop him. He decided to blame Wolf's father's death on James McCloud. Unfortunately, James McCloud disappeared after he went to Venom with Peppy. Wolf never knew Andross was responsible for this. He was raised by Andross to hate Fox, the last threat to Andross. On Venom during the Lylatian War, Fox defeated Wolf. Wolf retreated to Andross. Andross told him then that Pigma had killed his father and that he had also betrayed Fox's father. Wolf had no ship, so Andross had no concern for him then. Wo lf escaped to the surface right before Andross's core blew up. He found Andrew's Wolfen2 still functioning. He got in it and took off to join Fox. He saw Pigma coming around on Fox's tail. Wolf shout by Fox and toasted Pigma for good. Fox asked him why he had killed Pigma and not him. Wolf told him the story, and ever since then, Wolf has been loyal to Fox and the Starfox team. Fara Pheonix was Fox's academy sweetheart. After the Lylatian Wars, he asked her to join him so they would never be apart again. They got married after the Starfox team became a part of the CA. After Fox ran away from Corneria, Fara has lived alone, wa iting for her husband's return. Little is known about Derwick Hern's past. He is considered one of the best free lance pilots in the galaxy. He has been hired on numerous occasions to help out Corneria. Bill Grey joined the Starfox team after the Lylatian War. He then became a flight instructor with Wolf at the CA. They both joined Fox in protest to the decision to terminate the Starfox division. They, with Falco, and Slippy, tried to stop Fox and Pep py from leaving. Bill and Wolf haven't taken it as badly as Falco and Slippy, but they still long for his return. Part 4 - Let's get ready to rumble. -Launch pad 64. "Alright, I am going to take roll call. Falco Lombardi," said Pepper. "Here," replied Falco. "Slippy Toad," said Pepper. "Slippy's here," said Slippy. "Fara Pheonix McCloud," said Pepper. "I'm here," said Fara. "Bill Grey," said Pepper. "Ready to go," replied Bill. "Wolf O'Donnel," said Pepper. "Yo," said Wolf. "Derwick Hern," said Pepper. "Here," replied Derwick. "Celline Sellop," said Pepper "Here," replied Celline. "Tyrell Ruirrel," said Pepper. "Let's kick the tires and light the fires!" shouted Tyrell. "Bandit Moren Lombardi," said Pepper. "Here," said Bandit. "Good. I will now show you your new vehicles. You will be flying the latest model starfighter, The TSA Arwing FX. Slippy will have Rob 64 up and running to pilot your mothership, the revised Great Fox, model NSX. Good luck. Get ready for launch," said General Pepper. The New Starfox team boarded their TSA Arwing FXs to launch for The NSX Great Fox. "Give me a go - no go for launch," said Pepper. "Falco," said Pepper "Go," said Falco. "Slippy," said Pepper. "Go," replied Slippy. "Fara," said Pepper. "Go," answered Fara. "Derwick," said Pepper. "Go," said Derwick. "Bill," said Pepper. "Go," said Bill. "Celline," said Pepper. "Go," said Celline. "Tyrell," said Pepper. "Go," replied Tyrell. "Bandit," said Pepper. "Go," answered Bandit. "Wolf," said Pepper. "Holy $hit!!!" yelled Wolf. "What is it?" asked Pepper. "You think I was going to let you guys have all of the fun?" said Fox McCloud coming from the sky. "FOX!!!" said everyone in unison. "The one and only," said Fox. "I thought you would never come back," said Falco. "And miss the reunion of the century? I wouldn't miss it for the world. Now why don't we get this show on the road," said Fox. Fox boarded a new TSA arwing FX. "Wolf," started Pepper again. "Go," said Wolf. "Fox," said Pepper. "Go," replied Fox. The Starfox team was off. Chapter 4 Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold...and No Place is colder than Space. Part 1 - The Battle Begins. - Cornerian Space. "Activate the G-Diffusers now," commanded Fox. The Starfox team obeyed, and they were set. "Fox, I am picking up some bandits at 12 o'clock," said Bandit. "Alright, let's take it to them guys!" yelled Falco. "Yes, we finally see some real action," said Tyrell. "Don't get too cocky," said Celline. The Starfox team approached the NLO armada. "We have orders to take on the first wave of fighters. Rob; draw the command ships fire for us. The CA armada will take on the battle cruisers," said Fox. "We have incoming," yelled Derwick. "I got this one!" yelled Bill. Bill tailed 3 enemies and blasted them to space dust. "Falco, behind you!" screamed Fara. Fara jumped on Falco's bogey, and cleared his tail. "Fox, let's take out the leader," said Wolf. Wolf and Fox closed in on the leaders. Wolf pulled in front. Just as the baddy was going to blast Wolf, Fox toasted him. Wold pulled a U-turn and went to rejoin the group. The Starfox team fought vigilantly. "Command ships are falling back sir," replied Rob64. "Good job guys," said Fox. "We got them on the run!" yelled Wolf. "Yee haw!" screamed Falco. The remaining bad guys bugged out, and retreated for their command ships. "Calm down guys, we got some more work to do. This was just a warm up," said Fox. The Starfox team had won its first battle. But Rembit Chon's NLO armada was not done yet... Part 2 - The NLO starts to attack. - NLO Flagship "Sir, we are now in Cornerian Space," said Normae. "Deploy the invasion squads. Leave nothing standing," ordered Rembit. "Yes, master," replied Normae. "Sir, a group of CA fighters has destroyed our first wave of attackers, and has forced our command ships to withdraw," reported Stemis. "Damn it!" yelled Rembit. "Pepper must of put together a group of his best pilots to counter-attack, but no matter. His army will fall to me when I deploy the ARMITREK. This device will destroy Corneria," laughed Rembit. The ARMITREK was a machine that had an auto smart bomb launcher. If it reached Corneria's cities, they would be doomed. "Sir, the ARMITREK is deployed. ETA 3 minutes," said Stemis. "Good," said Rembit. - Cornerian Space "What the heck is that?" cried Slippy. "I will analyze it," said Celline. "Fox, I am getting thermal readings from it," said Falco. "LOOK OUT!" screamed Wolf. A smart bomb was launched at the team. "Whew, that was close," said Slippy. "Wolf and Derwick, you guys distract it from the back, Bill and I will take it on directly," said Fox. They did what he said. Fox and Bill fired everything they had. The ARMITREK kept launching at Wolf and Derwick, who easily evaded the smart bombs. "I'll finish him off," said Falco. With that, Falco launched a smart bomb of his own, annihilating the machine. "WARNING, smart bomb en route to capitol," alerted Rob64. "Can anyone take care of it?" asked Bandit. "I got it," said Tyrell. Tyrell sped after the descending bomb. "Impact in 20 seconds," said Rob. "I can make it," said Tyrell. Tyrell closed in, and in a last effort, fired a lock on torpedo at the bomb. The bomb exploded in mid air over the capitol, and there were no casualties reported. "Good job, Tyrell," said Fox. "Thanks," said Tyrell. The Starfox team had once again foiled the plans of the NLO. Part 3 A New Threat. - NLO Flagship "I do not believe it!" yelled Rembit. "How the hell did Pepper manage to unify the Fox team once again, and with new members?" asked Rembit. "I do not know sir, but I do know we must launch," said Stemis. "I had wanted to give the Cornerians a chance to live, but now it seems there is no point. Normae, fire the C.O.M.E.T. now," ordered Rembit. "Yes sir," said Normae. Stemis and Normae took out two keys, stuck them into two separate holes, and turned them at the same time. Immediately, a missile of some sort was launched at Corneria. - Cornerian Space "Fox, they have launched some sort of a missile at Corneria," said Rob. "I got this one," said Fox. Fox chased after the missile. He fired his lasers. Nothing happened. He fired his torpedoes. Nothing happened. He at last tried his Smart bombs. Nothing happened. "I can't stop it!" yelled Fox. "Fox, I am decoding a message as we speak to Great Fox. You can't stop this missile, get as far away as you can now, that's an order. View my message aboard Great fox when you return, now go!" instructed Pepper. "No," cried Fox as he pulled away. "All aircraft, break away!" yelled Fox. The team boarded Great Fox. "Rob, go to hyperspace now! Punch it!" yelled Fox. With that they entered hyperspace. Before Corneria faded away, a brilliant light flashed, and then a monstrous shock wave engulfed Corneria. When it cleared, all that remained was the dark black color of the chunks of Corneria that were left. Part 4 What the heck happened? - Aboard Great Fox "Fox, what was that?" asked Wolf. "I believe this will explain everything," said Rob. He popped in a CD into a player, and they watched. "Fox, if you are viewing this tape, the worst that I have feared has come true. Corneria is probably totally destroyed. What you saw was a COMET missile, a device that contains a highly reactive mixture of chemicals in a thermal "Pocket". When a sun, a core, or a quasar heats the pocket, the missile's core has a reaction equivalent to the force exerted on the "pocket". The greater the force, the farther the pocket expands. The heated chemical inside reacts and expands to the limits of the pocket. Th e result is the shockwave you saw. We knew for some time that this device existed, and that a certain number of prototype models had been stolen by terrorists on Betin2. We knew this was coming. The protective shell is impenetrable to any known weapon. Only certain natural things can destroy or activate it. You must stop Rembit Chon and the NLW before the launch one at Solar, and destroy Lylat. Ultimately, if used in the worst way, he could fire it to Quasar 7311, and destroy the entire galaxy. You must stop him at all costs!" said General Pepper's message. "Rembit Chon?" said Derwick. "Yes, Rembit. He was the one who caused the Starfox division to be disbanded because he destroyed a cargo fleet from Macbeth without proper ID," said Fox. "He was exiled from the CA, and he ran off with his two friends, Stemis Rish and Normae Forse," said Falco. "We must stop them, Fox," said Celline. "I know, but we must devise a plan, or else he could push the trigger to launch another one of those missiles," said Fox. "Why don't we counter the NLO forces on Titania," suggested Rob. "Then we would eventually take out their armada and any base on Betin2," said Bandit. "Alright, we follow that plan," said Fox. They then were dismissed. "I have the strangest feeling that an old presence is still involved in this," though Fox. But who could it be? CHAPTER 5 - Fox Strikes Back. Part 1 Counter attack on Titania - A military outpost set up by the NLO on Titania. "We are approaching the main base," said Slippy. "Alright, everyone take care of the enemies, while Wolf and Derwick penetrate the base and take it out," said Fox. "Roger," said the team. The team proceeded to the base. An alarm sounded, and enemies were dispatched to take out the team. Bill and Falco took on a squad of Blazer model fighters. Fox and Slippy took on a group of kamikaze ships. "Look out FOX!" yelled Slippy. "Whoa, that was close!" Fox had just dodged a kamikaze ship. Celline, Bandit, and Tyrell took on the other waves. "I see the main energy source," said Derwick. "Good, let's take it out," replied Wolf. Wolf and Derwick targeted the power source with their lock on torpedoes. "FIRE!" cried Wolf. The torpedoes soared towards their target. "Pull out," said Derwick. As they pulled out, the torpedoes impacted onto the surface, and caused the power core to go critical. Enemies started evacuating immediately, and the team outside took them out. Just as the base burst into flames, Wolf and Derwick made it out safely. "YESS!" cried Celline "We did it!" yelled Bill. "Good job Wolf," said Fara. "Ok guys, let's meet up with ROB 64 on Great Fox," said Fox. "Alright," said Derwick. The team fired their engines, and headed for Great Fox. The NLO had been dealt a big blow, since 35 percent of their reserves were housed there. But, if the Starfox team could take out the NLO, what was it for? Corneria was gone. But was that the end? Part 2 The Invasion Phase II. - NLO Flagship. "Sir, with Corneria gone, which target is next?" asked Normae. "We shall strike Katina. Any remaining resistance will be there," said Rembit. "Good, I will lay in a course," said Stemis. "What more of the Starfox team?" asked Rembit. "Sir, I have just gotten word that our reserves on Titania have been destroyed!" reported Normae. "WHAT!" yelled Rembit. "They took out everything. They are probably en route to Katina as we speak," said Stemis. "We will get there, and I will personally see to that this threat is crushed. Prepare my personal craft. You two will accompany me on Katina," said Rembit. "Yes, master," they both said. "Helmsman lay in a course for Katina," said Stemis. The NLO armada entered hyperspace for Katina. Part 3 -A new horror. "Alright guys, we have been informed that the husky unit will accompany us on the upcoming attack by the NLO," said Fox as the team descended into Katina. "Good, we could use all the help we can get," said Wolf. "Bill, I want you to lead the huskies," said Fox. "Yes, I will do that," said Bill. "Sir, and enemy vessel has entered Katina airspace. Small fighters have been deployed. ETA 1 minute," said ROB 64. "Get ready, here they come," said Fox. Then, a fleet of enemy aircraft approached, fired on both the Husky unit and the Starfox team, and retreated. "Bill, take the Huskies and pursue them," said Fox. Bill and the Husky unit followed them out into space. "Fox, 5 fighters are approaching fast!" said Slippy. "Well, well. If it isn't the pesky Starfox team I have wanted to meet!" said Rembit. "Rembit?" asked Celline. "Yes, you dumb twit," yelled Rembit. "I got the Starwolf," said Stemis. "I never, ever am called a member of the Starwolves, especially by a lame pilot who talks the talk, but can you walk the walk," replied Wolf. "That gay frog is mine!" laughed Normae. "HEY! Who are you calling gay?" yelled Slippy. "Meet my two special friends," said Rembit. "Falco, remember me?" asked a familiar voice. "No, who is this?" asked Falco. "Stupid bird! I am the great Leon!" yelled Leon. "No way! You went down on Venom," said Falco. "Down, but not out," replied Leon. "I will take the mercenary," said Rembit. "What? To scared of me?" asked Fox. "No. On the contrary, your enemy should scare the hell out of you. "What do you mean?" asked Fox. "Fox, I have waited long for this," said a familiar voice. "ANDROSS!" said Fox. "Ha, you wish," said the voice. "Then who is this?" asked Fox. "I told you to trust your instincts and never give up, and look what has happened to the Starfox team, Corneria, and Pepper. I must destroy you from failing anymore of your friends. Rembit would have asked you to join us, but he knew you would say no," s aid the voice. "...Fa...Fath..Father?" quivered Fox "Yes, son. And now, it is time to die." Part 4 The Past Returns. "No way!" cried Fox. "Yes, son," said James. "Fox, get a hold of yourself. That is not your father! He died on Venom at the hands of Andross. This is a fake!" said Wolf. "I don't think so, traitor," said James. "I went back in time and brought him forward to our time. I put a mind device in his brain that makes him loyal to me. This is your real father, Fox," chuckled Rembit. "NOOOOO!!!!!" cried Fox. The others started to fight, but as Fox watched in astonishment, his father started to pursue him, and fired at him. "Why father, this is your son, Fox," pleaded Fox. "No son, you are the enemy. You must die," answered James. James was now severely damaging Fox's ship. The others weren't doing much better. "Fox, let's retreat!" yelled Wolf. The others retreated to Great Fox. "Wolf, what's wrong with Fox," asked Bill as he returned. "He...OH NO!!!!" yelled Wolf. Fox's ship had been shot down. "Bastards! The killed Foxy!" yelled Bill. They both raced to his wreckage. Stemis and Normae held them off until a pod came down and picked up Fox's lifeless body. "Wait, they are taking him captive!" yelled Wolf. "We can't save him hear and now. We must retreat!" said Bill. With that, they retreated to Great Fox. How did Rembit go back in time thought Wolf? Aboard the ship, ROB 64 advised the team of a plan. "You should rescue Fox in a covert operation, download the main frame to Great Fox from the NLO flagship, and activate the self destruction for the armada. Hopefully the info in the main frame from the ship will reveal how Rembit can travel through time, " said ROB 64. "Good plan, ROB," said Bill. "Then, we make them pay for what they have done," said Wolf. "When I get a hand on this Rembit, I will choke the info out of him, then put a blaster to his head, and blow it the hell off!" screamed Falco. The Starfox team spent the night in anger, thinking about revenge. But they would have to collect themselves for the next battle; or else they all would suffer the wrath of the NLO. Chapter 6 Payback Begins Now. Part 1 The Big Plan. - Great Fox "All right, listen up everyone, Rob is going to brief us on the plans for pulling this thing off," said Falco. "Ok, we send in Falco and Wolf to surrender to the NLO as a distraction. Derwick, Bill, and Fara will use a new cloaking device designed by Slippy to sneak aboard. Derwick and I will help you bypass any security blocks and locate Fox. When they signal t hey have him, Celline, Tyrell, Bandit, and Slippy will attack the fleet, drawing them away from the flagship. Then Derwick and the gang will meet up with Wolf and Falco, and take out Rembit and his remaining forces on the flagship after you have download ed the info to Great Fox. Then activate the self-destruct, I will override the safe guards. Then get the heck out of there before the armada blows. Don't worry about the fighters chasing Slippy and his team, the signal will destroy all aircraft," said Rob. "Great plan," said Bill. "Ok, so we follow this plan exactly," said Fara. "We will begin at 0900 tomorrow," said Wolf. "What will we do with the NLO destroyed? Corneria is gone, what will be left?" asked Celline. "We worry about one thing at a time. When we get to that, we will worry about it," said Falco. The team went to sleep, going over and over the plan in their heads hundreds of times. Tomorrow, the big hit began. Part 2 The Big Hit. - Great Fox. "Alright, everybody ready?" asked Falco. "We are go for Operation: Big Hit," said Slippy. "Here we go!" yelled Wolf as Falco and he jetted into outerspace. "We will follow you in 10 minutes," said Slippy. "Rob, expect info transfer to commence in 1 hour," said Bandit. "Let's hope this works," said Tyrell. - NLO flagship. "Hailing the ship now," said Falco. "NLO flagship, this is Falco of the Starfox team speaking. Rembit, we surrender," said Falco. "I hope you know what you are doing, Falco," said Wolf. "Ahh, Falco and Wolf. It is nice of you to drop in. Allow them to enter docking bay 17," said Rembit. They entered the ship, and were escorted by a group of guards to the main bridge. - Outside of the ship. "Let's get ready to roll," said Bill. "Activating cloaking devices now," said Fara. The team vanished, and proceeded to an unoccupied docking bay. They docked, and snuck in with the help of Rob. "Bypassing outer gate lock now," said Rob. "Good, we have entered deck 15," said Derwick. "Fox is being help captive on deck 9, from my analysis of the bay computer," said Rob. "We will proceed to deck 9," said Derwick The rest of the team followed close behind. "Derwick, we are here. Signal us when you have Fox," said Slippy. "Ok, stand by," said Derwick. The team proceeded into the ship. Rob helped them bypass all the security checkpoints. They finally reached deck 9. "I see Fox's cell. There are two guards outside of it. I will take them out, then we will free fox," said Bill. Bill fired a shot at one of the guards, knocking him dead. The other one drew his gun, but Derwick was too quick for him. "I got the access card," said Fara. Fara inserted the card, and she saw Fox lying in tears on a bench. "Fox," cried Bill. "Am I glad to see you!" said Fox. "Let's get the hell out of here," said Derwick. "Not so fast," said James. "Slippy, go now!" whispered Bill into a communicator. "I believe my master is expecting you," said James. "Father, you are not my father at all. James McCloud is dead. You are just a sad replica of him," said Fox. "Stay in denial, if it makes you feel any better. But I am the real James McCloud," said James. James and a group of guards brought them to the bridge. Part 3 The Beginning is the End is the Beginning. - The NLO flagship main bridge. "AH. I have a big family reunion planned for you all," said Rembit as James brought his prisoners to him. "Rembit, release us now and surrender, and we will spare you," said Fox. "You are not in a position to demand anything," said Rembit. "You will all witness Fox's own father kill his only son," said Rembit. "You are mad," said Fara. "Shut up you twit," said Rembit. "For that, you will die," said Fox. "James, kill Fox," said Rembit. "With pleasure, my master," said James. Suddenly, the alarms went off. "Sir, we are under attack!" yelled Normae. "What?" asked Rembit. "It is that pesky Starfox team," said Stemis. Send out the fighters to destroy them," said Rembit. As the guards ran off, Derwick drew his gun and fired at Stemis. "Ah!" yelled Stemis. Stemis drew his blaster, but Falco beat him to it. Stemis fell dead. Normae drew his blaster, and shot down Bill. Fara did a sweep kick on him, then as he got up, knocked him out cold with a roundhouse kick. "Leon fled to his escape pod, but Falco tossed a space grenade into it with him just as the hatch closed. "Now who is the stupid one!" boasted Falco! "Kill him!" yelled Rembit. James aimed his gun at Fox. With his last effort, Bill fired at James. "No!" cried Fox. To his surprise, the body that seemed to be James started to make strange noises. Then, waves of electricity spread all over his body and he shorted out. "A cyborg?" asked Fox. "Yes," said Rembit. As Fox talked to Rembit, Rob and Derwick downloaded the main frame to Great Fox, and activated the auto destruct. "2 minutes to auto desrtuct," said the computer. "Fox, you fool. Without my information onboard, you will never restore Corneria or Lylat to what it once was," laughed Rembit. "Unfortunately, we downloaded it all to Great Fox," said Fox. "Well then, you still lose. Your father is still alive on this ship! You will never find him! You will have to live knowing you killed him," said Rembit. Fox drew his blaster, pointed it at Rembit's head, and pulled the trigger. He fell dead. "Fox, let's hurry. We still have time to try!" said Falco. "Rob, can you locate the deck with James on it," said Derwick. "He is on your current deck, 100 meters away," said Rob. "Let's go," said Falco. Falco and Fox rushed to get James, while the others raced for their ships. "We are here, Rob, override the door," said Fox. Rob overrided the access panel, and Fox got his dad out. "Son! How did you..." said James. "No time for talk, dad. We have to go now!" said Fox. They raced for their vehicles. "25 seconds to auto destruct," said the computer. They got into their ships, and took off. "Punch it," said Fox. They entered hyperspace following the others for Great Fox. Behind them, the flagship exploded into a brilliant array of colors. "That's the end of the NLO," said Wolf. "Warning! A COMET missile has been launched at Solar!" yelled Rob. "How much time?" asked Bill. 20 minutes. They rushed back to Great Fox as fast as they could, but would Rembit Chon have the last laugh? Part 4 Time's of the Essence. The team arrived at Great Fox. "45 seconds till impact," said Rob. "Everyone, get seated in the emergency restraint seats!" yelled Fox. They obeyed, and when they were all seated, Fox yelled, "Hit it Rob!" The Great Fox rushed forward into space. The inertia was amazing. Impact in progress. "Look!" said Falco, The others peered out the space window. A enormous bright light appeared, and then, a gargantuan shock wave followed it. They watched as Venom was annihilated by it, then Katina. "Rob, can we make?" asked Fox. "Can not compute," answered Rob. The shock wave was closing in on them. Titania just was destroyed. "Fortuna is the only thing left!" said Slippy. "I knew that Rembit was no good. Fox, if we don't make it, I wanted to say, I am so proud of you," said James. Fox smiled and replied, "Thank you, father." "Great Fox is almost clear of Lylat," said Rob. "That won't be enough! The shock wave is still going strong!" cried Fara. "Sir, I was not suppose to reveal this, but under the circumstances, I can. Another TIG is located not far from here. I will lay in a course for it," said Rob. "Hurry up with it!" yelled Celline. They rushed for the TIG. "10,000 kilometers to TIG, 500,000 kilometers till shock wave impact," said Rob. The kept speeding for the gate. "4000 kilometers to TIG, 25,000 kilometers till shock wave impact," said Rob. "We are not going to make it!" yelled Tyrell. They were entering the TIG, when the shock wave was right upon them. "AHHHH!" yelled the crew. Everything went black. Chapter 7 A Blast to the Past. Part 1 We made it! - Betin2 space. "Yee Haw! We made it!" yelled Slippy. "Is everyone all right?" asked Fox. "Everything's ok," replied Wolf. "Yes, we did it, but what about Lylat? And Bill?" asked Fara. "I don't know," said Fox. "There must be something we can do," said Derwick. "The data! Rob; analyze the data from the NLO. Rembit spoke of a way he could travel through time, it must be stored in the computer," yelled Fox. "I will get on it right away," said ROB. "Now, we have to make a plan for if we find a way to get back. We can't just go back and destroy Rembit's armada, or else he will launch another one of those dang missiles," said Bandit. "He's right, how can we stop them?" asked Celline. "Maybe there is something in the data," said ROB. "Will you check?" asked Fox. "Of course, sir," replied ROB. "The next question is, when do we go back. What point should we venture back into the past?" asked Tyrell. "I suggest we go back right before they attacked the outpost, where they weren't in Lylat yet," said Falco. "No, they could destroy the TIG or that system, we must go back even earlier, about few days before the attack, to mount up an army to attack Betin2," said Slippy. "Guys, we must also consider the fact that maybe we can only go back at certain times. Or that maybe we won't know where we will end up. Our first priority is to see how Rembit traveled through time. Next, we must find a way to destroy those COMET missi les. Understand?" said Fox. The crew agreed. ROB said his analysis would be complete by the next day. The crew went to sleep very anxiously. Part 2 Back to the Past. - Great Fox. "Sir, I have completed my analysis. Rembit used a device on Betin2 created by an ancient species. You can only travel back to a point in time from which you existed," said ROB. "Then how the hell did Rembit get my dad, if he was killed before Rembit was born?" asked Fox. "He is too young, but Leon was the key getting your dad. Leon existed before your father's death," said Falco. "But there is a problem, sir," said ROB. "What?" asked Fox. "Since your father existed before Celline, Tyrell, and Bandit, none of us can go back, except on one condition," said ROB. "So what can we do?" asked Fox. "We can only return a point between now and when Rembit got your father," said ROB. "Ok, when did he get my father?" asked Rob. "About 1 hr before he destroyed Corneria, when he began the invasion," said ROB. "OH, just great!" yelled Wolf. "ROB, did you find a way to take out the missile?" asked Fox. "I do not have access to it. It is stored at their base on Betin2. We can discover it there," said ROB. "Alright, ROB, take us down to their base," said Fox. The Great Fox descended for Betin2. Part 3 - We must hurry. - NLO base. The team arrived and entered the base. "Jeez, how could this place go undetected for so long?" asked Falco. "Betin2 was said to have no life, so no one was looking for it here," said Wolf. "Sir, the device is just ahead," said ROB. "Ok, ROB, you get this thing on-line while Slippy and Derwick find out how to take out that COMET missile," said Fox. They obeyed, and began their tasks. "Sir, it is ready whenever you are," said ROB. "ROB, won't there be two of us when we go back?" asked Falco. "No, the time continuum will not be distorted. You will be transported to the exact location you were at during that time," said ROB. "I am downloading the info on the missile now. 2 minutes till it will be done," said Slippy. "Sir, the shock wave is approaching. It will hit any minute," warned ROB. "What? How could that be?" asked Fox. "The shock wave will not destroy all of this system, but Lylat and Gerun are so close, the shock wave will still hit. Betin2 is the outermost planet," said Rob. "Slippy, you got less than 2 minutes! Hurry!" yelled Fox. "I almost have it," said Slippy. "Warning, impact imminent!" said ROB. "Got it! Liquid Nitrogen causes an opposite reaction, making it implode," said Slippy. "Ok, let's get out of here!" yelled Fox. The team ran for the time device. Once by one they jumped through. The planet began to tremble. The team was all through. Then Betin2 was destroyed moments after. Part 4 Let's do it! - Right before the invasion. Fox came to in his arwing fighter. "What the...Ok, I am back. I must be near Javen, where I decided to return to Corneria because that creep in the Cantina told me it was about to be attacked by a terrorist group," thought Fox. "What about my father?" asked Fox. "Oh yea, he is where he last existed on Venom. He said he would get his arwing and head for Corneria. Fox raced for Corneria as fast as he could. - Corneria. Wolf, Falco and Slippy were rushing for General Pepper at the command base. Meanwhile Bill, Fara, and Derwick were all racing to get there, too. They finally reached General Pepper. "General, listen to us," said Falco. "Ah, guys, I was just about to send for you, how bizarre. I need you to join..." he started. "A team with the best pilots from the CA, we know this already," said Wolf. "What the heck is going on here?" asked Pepper. "Sir, in about 1 hr, Corneria will be destroyed by that COMET missile, the one you know was stolen by the NLO," said Slippy. "Oh my gosh! How do you know this?" asked Pepper. "We already fought this battle. We destroyed the NLO, but they destroyed Lylat with that device. We found out they could travel through time, and we did the same to stop the NLO before they could destroy Corneria!" said Falco. "Ok, so you guys are from the future? Where are the you guys from now?" asked Pepper. "We are them. When we traveled through time, we returned here as them. The space time continuum adjusted for our time travel, thus we are the only one's of us here," said Slippy. "Whatever," said Pepper. "So, how do we stop them?" asked Pepper. "Liquid Nitrogen. It caused the missile to implode," said Wolf. Fox and James walked into the room. "What the heck is this? James? I thought you were dead," said Pepper. "I was, but it's a long story. We need at least a couple of Liquid Nitrogen missile to counter the COMET missiles," said James. "Ok, I will work on that," said Pepper. "Wolf, go get Bill. He needs to be with us, but since he died in the future, the one here has no clue about what is to come," said Fox. "Ok," said Wolf. They all headed off to do their tasks. Could the Starfox team save Lylat once again? Chapter 8 Dejavu Part 1 Here we go again. -Cornerian Launch Pad. "Alright, I have loaded each of your arwings with a special liquid nitrogen missile. Please, you must stop them," said Pepper. "We won't fail you," said Fox. The Starfox team then blasted off for the NLO armada. "Ok guys, this plan is similar to the plan we first used. Celline, Tyrell, Bandit, and Slippy will fight off the enemy fighters while James, Bill, Fara, Derwick and I activate the auto destruct. Wolf and Falco will take out any COMET missiles launched," said Fox. "Alright, good luck guys," said Pepper. "We will not fail," said Fox. The arwings engines rumbled. Then they sped off for the armada. General Pepper was still amazed by the events that had occurred. "James and Fox reunited, who would have ever thought that!" said Pepper. Part 2 The plan begins. "Approaching the flagship," said Fox. "We can dock there," said Derwick. They group pulled into a hangar, and got out of their ships. "Be quiet guys," said Fara. "ROB, be ready to help us out," said Bill. "Standing by," said ROB. They entered the ship. They proceeded toward the main bridge. "ROB, can you override the security panel?" asked Fox. "Did it," said ROB. Suddenly, an alarm went off. "They know we are here, hurry up guys," said James. They ran down the corridor. Suddenly, a bunch of guards stood in their way. "Take them out!" yelled Derwick. They fought through the guards, and finally made it to the bridge. - Outside in space. "Here they come!" yelled Slippy. Waves of enemy craft attacked the group outside. "There are more of them than last time!" said Celline. "We can't take them all on!" yelled Bandit. "Don't worry, help is here!" cried a voice. "Look, it's the Katinian forces!" said Tyrell. "Heard you were in a jam, so Pepper asked us to lend you guys a hand," said the leader. 'Fight on!" yelled Slippy. The battle had begun. Part 3 The past returns again. NLO flagship bridge. "Hold it right their Rembit!" yelled Fox. "Ah, Starfox. Glad you guys could make it," said Rembit. "Give it up, you have no chance of winning," said James. "Oh, I am so scared!" laughed Rembit. "Fox, something's fishy here," said Bill. "Derwick, activate the auto destruct," said Fox. Derwick activated it. "It won't work Fox!" said Derwick. "What?" asked Fox. "Ha! You are so clueless Fox!" laughed Rembit. Normae and Stemis joined Rembit's side, while Leon and the fake James drew out their guns. "You see, I could not get James back myself, Leon here did that for me, as you know. But, I still had a trip left to make. I got an old friend of yours, Fox. He's dying to finally meet you in person," said Rembit. A door opened. A dark figure walked into the room. "ANDROSS!" yelled Fox. "Ah, Fox McCloud! And his father James reunited. That's nice. Now you will both die together. And I see Wolf has betrayed me, he will die too. The rest of you will become my slaves!" laughed Andross. "Oh, don't worry, Andross. Now that there are two James McClouds here, the space-time continuum will be distorted. I brought one back from the past. Fox brought one back from the future. With 2 here, they will both be destroyed!" chuckled Rembit. "You both will die for this," said Fox. Leon brought in the other James. "Fox, I am so proud of you. I want you to remember this time we had together. I will always be with you in your heart. Never give up, and always trust your instincts," said James. "Why are you saying that father?" asked Fox. Then Fox watched as his father drew his blaster, and fired it at the other James. Normae and Stemis went to draw their guns, but Rembit held them off. Then Fox watched in sadness as his father pointed the gun at himself, and pulled the trigger. He vani shed into dust. Both James McClouds were vaporized. James had killed himself and his other to save them all. Fox was in tears and on his knees. Fara bent down and hugged Fox to comfort him. "Lock them up," ordered Rembit. The guards obeyed, and started to take them away. Andross looked back at Rembit, and yelled at him, "You almost could have destroyed us all! You moron, not just the James' would have been destroyed, but the entire universe as well!" "Oh, be quiet. I knew McCloud would do something bold like that," said Rembit. As they argued, Bill and Fox knocked out the guards. Fox pulled his blasted and fired it at Rembit. The shot his a closing door that Rembit and Andross had walked through. "Fire the COMET at Corneria," ordered Rembit. "Falco, they are firing at Corneria, get ready!" yelled Derwick. "We must leave. We can't do anything more here," said Bill. The group ran back down the corridor to their ships. They then blasted off to join the others. Part 4 Will the COMET be stopped? - Space. Falco went to chase the missile. "I will get it!" yelled Falco. "Go get it," said Wolf. Falco chased it down. "Locked on! Firing!" yelled Falco. The liquid nitrogen missile homed in on the COMET missile. Falco's shot hit the COMET. "Yes! A direct hit," said Falco. The COMET froze over, and imploded in space. "Good job," said Wolf. "Slippy, how is you team doing?" asked Falco. "We got them on the run!" yelled Slippy. "How did you do that?" asked Wolf. "The Katinian Force came to help!" yelled Slippy. "Alright!" said Falco and Wolf. "Falco, did you stop the missile?" asked Bill. "Yes! Why didn't the armada blow up?" asked Wolf. "Andross was brought back. He followed us after we destroyed the NLO. He then trailed us to the back to the past, and warned Rembit here," said Fara. "Oh no!" said Falco. -NLO flagship. "Sir, they stopped the COMET," yelled Stemis. "I knew they would. Fire the new COMET," ordered Rembit. "Yes sir," replied Stemis. "How is this one different?" asked Normae. "It is immune to the liquid nitrogen," said Rembit. "This had better work," said Andross. Then, the new COMET was launched. Chapter 9 The Final Battle. Part 1 The final sacrifice. - Space. "Sir, another missile has been launched!" said ROB. "I got this one!" said Derwick. Derwick chased the missile down. "Locked on, missile away!" said Derwick. The missile homed in on its target. Then it hit. "Got it!" yelled Derwick. The COMET still headed for Corneria. "Guys, I have a problem," said Derwick. "What?" said Fox. "The missile didn't stop the COMET!" yelled Derwick. "Oh no! What do we do?" asked Fara. "I have watched enough people sacrifice things during this job, now it's my turn," said Derwick. "Derwick, what are you doing? Don't do anything stupid!" yelled Falco. Derwick rushed toward the missile. He passed by it. The missile was closing in on Corneria. Derwick pulled a U-turn, and was heading straight into the COMET. "Payback's a bitch!" yelled Derwick. He then rammed the COMET head on. The explosion knocked the missile on a return course. Derwick had saved Corneria. "No!" yelled Fox. "Fox, he died saving Corneria. He has proven to have more to himself than money. That's the way he wanted it," said Bill. The team flew off towards the NLO armada, leaving behind another lost comrade. Part 2 The Escape. "Sir, they stopped that missile, too!" yelled Normae. "How?" asked Rembit. "One of the member's gave his life to stop it," said Stemis. "You can't defeat them. I could not defeat them. Their spirit is too great. I am giving up. Good luck, Rembit," said Andross. "Come back here! I saved you from death!" yelled Rembit. "I thank you for that, but I have learned my lesson. Vengeance is not the way to get your point across. A am leaving that side of me for good," replied Andross. "That part you got right," said Rembit. As Andross walked for a hangar, Rembit pulled out his blaster, and fired it at Andross's head. The scientist fell dead. "Stemis, retreat for Betin2," said Rembit. "Yes sir, laying in a course for the TIG outside of the Lylat system," said Normae. "At least we shall live to fight another day," said Rembit. With that, the armada sped off for the TIG. Andross had finally breathed his last. The most ingenious mind Lylat had ever seen was no more. Still, he had died at peace with himself and Lylat. At last, he had turned to good. Who knows what Lylat would be like with his genius put to good? Part 3 The End of the NLO. - Space. "Alright, we saved Corneria and Lylat, but Rembit got away!" yelled Falco. "We must stop him, or else he will try again!" said Fara. "Ah, Starfox. You have won the battle, but the war is far from over!" cried Rembit. "Great, and now he has Andross!" yelled Slippy. "I had the late Andross, but it seems he had a change of heart. He wanted to let you live and give up. So I had to dispose of him," said Rembit. "Andross turned to good? You won't stop until you rule everything!" yelled Fox. "What's to stop him from killing his partners Normae and Stemis?" said Falco on purpose. The two looked at each other, and then to their master. "Is that true?" they asked. "Of course not!" yelled Rembit. He snapped his finger behind his back. Two guards sneaked behind Stemis and Normae. "So, you turn on me too? Then I fear I must dispose of you," said Rembit. As they drew their guns, Rembit snapped his fingers, and the guards took out Stemis and Normae. "Satisfied Fox?" asked Rembit. "He's mad!" yelled Bandit. "ROB, can we stop him?" asked Fox. "Watch sir," replied ROB. The team stopped their pursuit of the armada, and looked behind them. "Oh crap, get as far from the armada as you can!" ordered Fox. They got away from the armada, and watched as the COMET missile Derwick had diverted closed in on the armada. "Victory shall be min..." Rembit was cut off. The missile hit the flagship. The armada was annihilated be the shockwave produced by the missile. Rembit Chon was dead, and the NLO was no more. Lylat was saved, and Starfox had done it once again. Part 4 Reminiscence - Journey back to Corneria. The Starfox team laid in a course for Corneria. "We did it Fox!" cheered Falco. The others celebrated in their ships, but Fox looked up at the stars. "Thank you father. I will miss you," said Fox. "Hey Fox, why are you so down?" asked Celline. "His father gave his life to save the universe. And Derwick gave his to save Corneria and Lylat. They died in the most honorable way. They want us to be proud and remember them for that," said Falco. The others paused in a moment of silence for their lost comrades, and all the others who had died in this war. The finally made it to Corneria. They started to descend to the Cornerian Army base, where thousands of people awaited to celebrate the Starfox team's success. When the landed, champagne bottles were opened, and everyone rejoiced and celebrated. Fox, Wolf, Bill, Slippy, and Falco walked over to General Pepper. "We are forever in your debt. Is there anything that we can do to repay you?" asked Pepper. They looked at Fox, and Fox turned to Pepper. "First, I want you to reinstate the Starfox division into the Cornerian Army. Second, I want Derwick Hern and my father to have memorial erected for them. Finally, we retire. So don't ask us to go on anymore adventures," said Fox. "I will do that. So you are finally calling it quits?" asked Fox. Celline, Bandit, and Tyrell joined them. "I think it is time that our three friends take the leadership role for the division," said Fox. The three of them were in shock. "Celline Sellop. Tyrell Ruirrel. Bandit Moren Lombardi. I officially induct you into the Starfox Corps," said Pepper. "You guys have earned it," said Fox. "I am so proud of you son," said Falco. The three of them thanked General Pepper and the ex team, and ran off to celebrate. The Starfox team had returned to it former glory! Stay tuned for the final episode that tells what happens to all of the cast! Chapter 10 Epilogue. So the Starfox team once again saved Lylat from the tyranny of evil. Who knows what the future holds for the new team? Fox McCloud - Joined Fara and settled in a home in the countryside of Corneria. They have 2 kids, Felix and James, Jr. They both attend the Cornerian Flight School. Falco Lombardi - Retired from the Corps. He settled in the inner city where he now works with General Pepper by selecting Starfox members. Bandit Moren - Falco's son is the leader of the Corps. He is now dating Celline. Celline Sellop - is going out with Falco and still is part of the Corps. Tyrell Ruirrel - Became a flight instructor for the Corps. Slippy Toad- Is now head engineer instructor at the Cornerian Institute of Technology. Peppy Hare - Still has a memorial erected in the center of the capitol, along with the Starfox memorial. Derwick Hern - also has a memorial erected for him next to the Starfox memorial. James McCloud - Has a monument in his honor on Corneria, and on Katina. General Pepper - retired as head military officer and now recruits members for the Starfox team. Chancellor Prestine - still is the ruler of Corneria, and made sure the Starfox name will remain glorious. Katt Monroe - has a memorial erected on Katina and has a monument in Falco's home. Bill Grey - has retired from the CA, and now lives in a home on Katina. Wolf O'Donnel - is a flight instructor for the flight academy on Katina. So there you have it. Although this is the end of this series, I plan to write many more for the new three and some others. There are still many more adventures to be told... THE END...