Chapter XVI Bill ripped his controls upward as Venomian fire flew underneath his ship. The Cornerians had met the Venomians, just as the Venomians had begun the attack on Katina. Bill pulled a tight circle, and shot at the ship which had been following him. He felt himself being pushed against his seat as he arched around the pyramid-shaped base. He was looking for his squadron, but hadn't been able to locate any of them since the beginning of the battle. If nothing else, the Venomians had the Cornerians spread out thinly. "We've got some trouble over here!" he heard one of his wingmen, a bulldog, say. "Roger that! Where's the problem, bulldog unit?" he answered. "The husky and me are on the south side of the base! They're trying to work each of the groups away from each other!" "Can you get out of there?" "Negative, Bill! They're following us pretty good!" "I'm on my way!" Bill lifted his fighter higher into the air, and boosted towards the south side of the Katina base, where he spotted a clan of Cornerian ships being chased by a swarm of Venomians. "Time to help even those odds!" He charged his laser, and blew through the side of the Venomian formations. "Yeeha!" he cried, as six different fighters fell from the sky in the concurrent explosions. "Bulldog unit, can you take care of the rest--" his sentence was viciously chopped as his ship shook violently. "What?" He heard the thrusters in the back of his fighter explode, and the flames seared up around him. "Oh, man!!! Time to eject!!" He slapped a button on his console, and suddenly things were spinning in all directions. The ship was headed down, in a complete tailspin. Bill hit button again, and the entire cockpit separated from the burning ship, which continued crashing down to the Katina surface. Bill felt the cockpit jerk to a stop as antigravity pads activated themselves, and he waited to float safely to the ground. Before he could, though, a Cornerian ship came from seemingly nowhere with a Venomian on its tail and slammed into the side of the cockpit. Bill cried out as the cockpit was thrown through the air, and the antigravity pads failed. He watched the ground get closer with each second, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Cornerian ship that had run into him begin plummeting to the ground, also in flames. "If I live through this..." Bill murmured to himself as the ground met his crashing cockpit. Fox sat, waiting for the vidscreen to warm up. It seemed, the farther he was from Corneria, the longer it took to contact it. "Come on," he pressed. "Let's move!" Finally, the screen flickered uncertainly, and then Fox heard the screen contacting the CSCC. Several seconds later, the screen lit up with General Pepper in foreground, and a swarm of techs rushing from terminal to terminal, finding information. Pepper looked ragged from being in charge of the battle thus far. "Fox! We were sure that something had happened! Halfway through your mission, you aborted! I was about to send troops, but no one asked for any help, and we need all the extra troops we can muster here." "Why? What's going on?" "Andross has stolen all of Macbeth's ships, and taken them against Katina. Your Wolf O'Donnel is among the Venomians there. We know that because, well, he's the only one whose yelled any threats just yet." "That's Wolf, all right," Fox mused, remembering how close of friends the two had been in the Academy. "But that is beside the point. Fox, we need you to help us stop these Venomians." "What else is new?" Fox responded, a smirk on his face. "I mean in a different way than usual. The Venomians have five trains, full of weapons and minerals for the Venomian army, headed for the capitol city. We have assigned teams on each of the trains, and we need you to take one of them." Pepper's voice trailed off, and the screen faded to show a picture of an area near the capitol city of Macbeth. "Your train will be headed along this path, here." Pepper had the track marked on the screen. "You must destroy all of the cars on the train, for these weapons will be enough to beat us if they can get them to the troops. Do you understand, Fox?" "Perfectly." "Then you will also understand why I will recommend that someone fight on the ground." "Hmm?" "Fox, if someone fights on the ground, they'll have a much better shot at the train." "Yeah, I realize that, General. One of us will take the Landmaster down there." "That's what I wanted to hear. Make my day and tell me that train's as good as gone." "It's gone already, sir." "Good. That's one less thing that I have to worry about. Good luck, Fox." "Thank you, General. Fox out." Fox smirked as the screen blanked out, and then turned to the rest of the Star Fox Team. "So, I guess we know who's going to take the tank, right?" "The sky's the only thing I do," Falco said. "I'm getting too old for ground combat," Peppy countered. "I built the thing, but I've never driven it before," Slippy explained. "Besides, Fox, you have the most experience with it." Fox shrugged. Was there any use? "Just thought I'd check." Bill looked around as his eyes slowly opened. His cockpit had crashed into the ground, somewhat buried, so hard was the impact. He tried to move, but suddenly realized that was a bad idea when his left arm and shoulder blasted pain into his brain. He looked down at them and saw that his left arm was twisted out of shape. There was no using it for a while. His right arm looked okay, but both of Bill's feet felt as if they had been cut off. Using his right hand, Bill undid his safety harness, which may have saved his life, and tried to open his cockpit. The button wasn't responding, so he took his fist to it. When it swung open, he tumbled out and tried to stand up. Standing wasn't a good idea, and he felt very light-headed, but he managed to keep him wits about him. He simply stood for a few moments, listening to the crashes and shots around him and waiting for the hover-ambulances. When they didn't come right away, Bill looked at his surroundings, and spotted the Cornerian fighter that had collided with his cockpit. He recognized the pilot. "Oh, no." The bulldog was hung over his control panel, his face expressionless and blood coming from the corner of his lip. Bill rushed as fast as he could with a limp towards him and forced that cockpit open as well with a stick that was lying nearby. As Bill pried at the cockpit, he realized that he wasn't holding a stick. It was a shard of the wing from that same fighter. Bill jammed the shard in as far as he could, and then swung all his weight onto it. He crumpled to the ground, blazing with pain, as the cockpit popped open. The bulldog's head leaned to the side as the cockpit supporting it was removed, and Bill forced himself up. His right hand shot to the bulldog's throat, trying to find a pulse. It was hardly there and it was only occasional, but there it was. Bill tried to drag the comatose bulldog out of the craft, finding it much harder to do with only one hand. The bulldog was probably a bit shorter than Bill, but he outweighed him most definitely. Bill got his body against the fighter, and flopped the bulldog as best he could onto his shoulder, favoring his left side. Where were those hover-ambulances? The Great Fox lumbered into Macbethan atmosphere without much of a problem because all of the guard ships were at Katina. Fox stepped out of the hangars as the Arwings heated, noting the heat from even where he was standing. As the climatic expulsions dimmed, Fox went back into the hangars, finding the Landmaster Tank, its white-blue hide still marred with memories from Titania. Fox ran his hand along the metal skin. "It's just you and me again." Fox's headset burst with static. "Fox? Where are you? Get that thing out here and let's get going!" Falco's voice was impatient. Fox pressed the headset against his ear as he climbed up the side. "You know, Falco. I've been thinking." "Oh?" "I think we should force Falco to use the Landmaster next time! What do you say, Peppy? Slippy?" "Yeah!" came the combined reply. Fox pressed the buttons to start the tank up, and drove it out of the hangars, using the boosters to slowly lower to the ground. Bill stumbled as best he could toward a hover-ambulance near the base. "Medic!" he called. "Medic!!" one of the people on board the craft noticed Bill's cry, and pointed them out to the driver. "It's about time!" Bill complained as the hovercraft pulled up to the wounded pair. "We could leave you here, if we wanted to. There are more grateful patients everywhere," an osprey said as it flipped its wing towards Bill. She reached down to help Bill lug the bulldog into the hovercraft. The bulldog flopped lifelessly into a bunk, and she hooked him up to a machine within seconds. She reached to Bill, who was using his right arm to try to lift himself over the edge of the hover-ambulance. She reached down, grabbed his left arm, and tried to help him up. "Aaarrrgh!!" he yelped, forcing her to drop his arm immediately. "Are you always so careless with your patients?" he cried through red eyes and wrenching his wounded arm back to his side. "I'm sorry!" she apologized, gripping his right arm. "Here! Let me help you onto the craft and then I'll get your arm set and healed!" "No!" Bill continued in his angry mood. "Help my friend first. My wound can cause pain, but he's close to death. Get him set up, and then worry about me." The osprey signaled the driver of the hovercraft, a snapping turtle, to take them back to the main hospital. Bill shuddered with pain as the hovercraft lurched forward and he had to put some weight on his left side. Suddenly, he was feeling light-headed again. Was he going into shock? Fox bounced a bit as the Landmaster hit the ground, knocking his head against the roof. With his hand on his forehead, he looked to the side to see his navigational equipment. "So, where is this thing?" He could barely see through the fog that had gathered recently. The map said that the train was to be going by him at about that time. Why couldn't he see anything? Then he heard it. A rumble began to repetitively beat against the ground, with a kind of rhythmic tune. Soon, he began to hear clinking sounds to match the beat, and a whistle not long after that. He began to see a light in the fog, and the clouds beside him began to swirl. As Fox pulled out of the fog, he looked to the source of the noise. "Whoa! This thing is really long! It's like, the forever train!" His eyes peered into the distance ahead of him, but he still couldn't see the end of the train. "Well, let's get working on it! Looks like he's got some minerals back here, I'll clear him out!" "That's fine," replied Peppy. "We're just running into the first of the opposition. You take your time, and we'll try to beat these guys back!" Aboard the train, the engineer, a eldery monkey, looked to his right. "Here come the little hyenas now," he muttered to himself with a heavy Southern accent. "Come to destroy the Emporer's supplies, have you?" He rested his hand on a panel next to him, his fingers resting on a few buttons. "We'll see about that." Fox rolled the tank to his left, dodging laser fire and passing a small tank with a turret on it. The tank fired, but Fox had rolled around it, causing the shot to careen into another tank. "It's too easy down here, guys!" Fox laughed. The engineer tapped out a few keys on the panel, and two cars of the train dumped their load of mineral boulders into the field in front of Fox. "Let's see if you can maneuver around that!" When he saw Fox slow down to navigate the field, he hit the accelerator. "This'll put a little distance between us!" Fox rolled the tank to the right, then slid left, narrowly avoiding boulder after boulder. "Whoa! I could use some help trying to get around these!" Falco flew back to Fox, and used his laser to crumble a few of the rocks. "Do I always have to save your back, Fox?" Fox shot a look back to the Arwing with a smirk on his face. "Only as much as I have to save yours, Falco." Not far away, a squadron of pastel colored ships was busy slowly taking the cars off of another train. Katt Monroe pulled a tight circle, and slowed down as she tuned her com. "Guys, did you just hear that voice?" "Katt, don't start that again...," a female voice responded. "No, really! It sounded like Falco! And the next voice said called him Falco! Oh, where is he?!?" she cooed as she looked to her computer. "Due to the right! I request permission to abort this mission to help another team!" "I'm sure they're in dire need of it, Katt. Go ahead," the leader of the squadron sighed, "but you owe us double-time next mission!" "Of course!" she assured the leader. Her fighter lifted away from her friends, and she turned towards the Falco's position. Peppy and Slippy circled in a two-ship formation, while Falco circled alone, taking out bombers trying to hit Fox. "We could use some help up here, Fox. Forget the train for a minute and blast these fighters!" A pink ship came up behind the Landmaster, and eased in front of it. "You started without me? Boys, I'm crushed!" "You'll be more than that if you don't help us out, Katt!" Falco chided. "Is that any way to greet a girl?" Katt said. "What would be the right way?" Falco asked, eyebrows raised. Before Katt could answer, Slippy interrupted. "Sorry to break up your little meeting here, but we've got a war on our hands, people!" Ahead of him he saw the fog breaking up, and more ships parading towards them. "Incoming!" It was a full five minutes until the osprey looked away from the bulldog to check on Bill. "Oh, my!" she squeaked. Bill was slumped over in his seat, eyes vacant and lifeless. "Driver! Hurry! We've got two serious cases now!" she called. The driver sped the hovercraft up a bit, but not much. The osprey got her arm under Bill's arm, and tried to ease him into another bunk. "Don't you dare die on me," she warned. "I want a perfect record here!" The machine she had hooked him up to fed her a report. "Shock from internal bleeding," she read. She craned her neck towards the front. "Let's move it, driver!" Fire from the ships above rained down on the now speeding hover-ambulance, and the driver had to swerve from left to right several times to avoid the laser. The osprey looked at her two charges, checking the machines. Bill woke up in the portable hospital, his head pounding crazily. He almost tried to move his left arm, but then he remembered the pain that had come with it earlier. He picked up his head slowly, to keep as still as possible, and looked at his arm. It was encased in a white tube, which was hooked up to another machine. His head got heavy again, and he laid it back down. He heard voices in the room, and the curtain that surrounded his bed was parted, allowing the osprey entry. "You're lucky," she stated. "One seriously broken bone, and lots of internal bleeding, but nothing that our machines couldn't fix. Just so you know, the cockpit that you were in absorbed most of the shock. The antigravity pads were on just long enough to slow your descent so you didn't get killed instantly." "Will wonders never cease?" Bill muttered as his head rocked with every word. "Your friend, that bulldog, will live, as well." She added. "Will he be okay?" "He'll live, I said. I have no guarantee as to how. It's a good thing that we got him here as fast as we did, but he'll still seriously wounded. It's no laughing matter, that's for sure." "Is any of this?" "Do I have to answer that?" Bill looked down at the cast on his arm. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long will it be until I get out of this thing? Until I can get back on my feet and fly a ship?" She consulted her clipboard. "A day, at the soonest. It depends if you let the machines heal your arm or not. You don't rest, the machines can't work. Flying a ship again in a battle like this, where they need all the soldiers they can get, is only a matter of finding a ship to fly." "It's okay by you, then, if I get back in the air as soon as I'm healed?" "You had just better not show up here again." She smiled and parted the curtains again. The Landmaster tank hovered over another row of boulders rolling towards it, and Fox bounced inside the machine as it slammed to the ground again. In the distance, the train was taking an overpass, a long-range gun firing at Fox the entire way. A group of fighters charged them while Fox was taking aim, and he had to divert his attention from the train again. "Guys, get these bogeys out of here so we can take out that train!" Katt took the lead of the Arwings and charged her lasers. "It's time to get you out of the way, boy!" Her lasers locked, and she started shooting at the ships. Peppy's lasers crashed two fighters together, and they landed in front of Fox, a burning mess. "That's two down!" he exclaimed. Fox finally got a clear shot at the train, and readied a bomb. "All right, everyone, get out of my way!" He locked on the nearest cars of the train. "Clear!!" After waiting a second or two, he launched the bomb into the air. It arched high, and then plummeted back to the ground to disintegrate two of the cars. The train lurched forward, and continued down the track, undaunted, with the supplies it had left. The Landmaster bounced again as it fell off a small incline, and continued underneath the high-placed track. "We're losin' cars!" the engineer growled to a subordinate. "Get those fighters out there!" Another car opened, and defensive fighters flew out of the hatch, towards the Star Fox Team. The fighters flew in single file as they looped down and around the track to the Landmaster below. Falco moved ahead and started shooting them down, but one dodged his laser and ended up behind him. Falco tried to lift away, but he was still underneath the metal bridge, and there were pillars to his right and left that were just as hard. "I can't shake this guy!" he cried. Fox shifted his attention instantly from the train to Falco. After a short blast, the threat was gone. "All better now, Falco?" "Oh, just shoot the stupid train, Fox." "I would if it weren't for a certain hot-rodding avian that keeps getting himself into trouble." "Now, who could that be, Fox?" Falco's sarcasm was blunt. Slippy flew forward again. "Do I always have to keep you guys on track? While you two were bickering, that train just slipped into that tunnel! The Arwing can't fit in there, I know it!" "Then it's up to Fox to save the day, yet again," Fox said, with a smile. "My hero," Falco laughed. Fox powered up both engines and lifted from the ground the short distance to the track above. "He's going awfully slow into that tunnel. It's like he wants me to follow him." Fox observed. "What's wrong? Come a little closer!" the engineer taunted from the train. He reached over to the console again and depressed another button. Metal beams began coming from the walls just behind the train, making small gates between Fox and the train. "I'm not going to be able to get past these things," Fox muttered. "Try hovering, Fox!" Peppy volunteered. Fox hovered over the first gate, and was in the air long enough to let fly with several blasts of laser, destroying the car closest to him. The tank slammed to the ground, and Fox urged the engines up again. "Come on, come on!" The power meter turned from red to blue, and Fox lifted up. He aimed the cannon, and another car was destroyed. He hit his head on the paneling inside the tank as it hit the ground again, but he didn't really care right then. "Get up, get up!" he muttered as the third gate closed in front of him. The meter flashed blue again, and Fox lifted up again, scratching the treads of the Landmaster against the gate as he did. Once more, he whipped the cannon downward, and detached another car from the end of the train. Landing, he slid off of the track and back to the ground, rolling to the right. The com in his headset rang noisily, while he plowed over a small hill to get out of the tunnel. Fox responded while upside down, rolling back over the track, "Fox here!" General Pepper tried to concentrate on Fox's voice as the sound of the tank flopping right side up again blasted over the com. "Fox? Is everything okay?" "As well," Fox said, shooting at the next car, "as can be expected. What's the point, General?" "The point is, Fox, we've hired a few mercenaries that aren't as good as they said they were." "I assume you're not talking about us, right?" "Would I be calling in the middle of the mission?" Pepper let the question drop, and continued. "Fox, Andross tore apart two of the other teams. We've only got a few people left from the other teams, and one of them is reported missing." "Would that person's name be Katt Monroe?" "Yes, actually. Do you know anything about it?" "Yeah," Fox said, looking up at Katt's ship, which happened to be blasting through a few ships right then. "She's fine. Helping out our team, as a matter of fact." "Well, that's one less death to report. Here's what's wrong, Fox. Two more of those trains are still on schedule with the base, and we need them to be out of there, Fox. I've told all of the remaining mercs that those trains have to be destroyed, or we have quite a bit more fighting to do at Katina." Fox sighed. "We'll do our best, sir, but there are no promises." Pepper smiled. "That's all I ask." Peppy's Arwing glided somewhat ahead of the group, scouting out the enemies. There weren't many in front of them, so he was simply taking down the ones that he could, and whatever got past him went on to Falco. "Poor things," he smiled. Searching the horizon for small tanks and such, his eyes locked on what looked like a small flagpole sticking up out of the ground, a red light blinking on it. As it passed him, he saw another one not much farther away. He slowly realized what they were, and opened his com to Fox. "Fox! I just figured out a way we can really mess up this guy's plans!" Fox was busy taking a moth-like robot out of the air with the cannon. "What's that, Peppy?" "There are switches up ahead of us! If we hit them, we'll reroute the train! If we don't take it out, we'll definitely hurt their plans!" "Good idea, Pep! I see the switches! What do I do to start them?" He tried shooting one of the flags, and it spun around, showing a green light now. "Looks like we've got ourselves a plan!" The engineer pushed a few more buttons, using his authorization code start the robot in the car on the back of the train. "I wasn't wantin' to have to use this...," he said. What he didn't notice was a message on another screen asking him whether he was requesting a rerouting or not. "I'll lure these guys to the front." The car just in back of the engine began to open up, revealing two huge kite-shaped wings. The wings slowly spread out to catch the air, and the robot began to lift up into the air, tethered to the train by a taut piece of material. "Mechbeth, it's time to get rid of these lil' hyenas!" The glider opened up to full length, stretching its arms to get as much lift as possible and unleashing its spiked tail towards the ground. "What is that big ol' thing, Falco?" Katt said. "I don't know, but Fox, you'd better hurry with those switches, or we're going to have to fight this thing!" "I'm trying!" Fox whined as he rolled the tank to the left to turn on another switch. A small black box plopped out of Mechbeth's car, and blasted a stream of electricity in every direction around it. "Whoa! Remind me to stay away from those things!" Slippy was tallying Mechbeth's shields. "Data's complete! Look at the defense this thing has!" "Don't focus on it too much, Slippy! Defense or none, we have to take this thing down!" Peppy said. "Falco, you and Katt go for the left wing! Slippy and I will take the right! Fox, keep working on those switches!" As the team split up, Mechbeth stretched out its wings, and began taking in energy. "Oh, great," Fox muttered. "What's it doing, now?" He didn't have to wait long to find the answer. It shot the energy upwards, and it materialized into huge spears, which slammed into the ground, making a barrier between Fox and the switches. "Hey! I could use some help here!" Fox called. "I'm here to rescue you!" Falco chirped. "Don't you have something better to do?" Fox said. "Not if it means getting one up on you!" Falco returned. He shot the spears, and they disintegrated back into energy in just a few shots. Fox's laser cannon found another switch, and then there was only one left to hit. He rolled over the track, past another of the black boxes, and located the last flagpole. A cannon shot later, the safety switches had all been turned. The screen that had asked if the engineer had requested a redirection now said: "Redirection Confirmed. Track Switch Opening." Peppy saw the box by the track opening. "Good work, Fox! Now, all we need to do is shoot that switch! I'm already past it! Someone else?" Falco swooped down, followed by Katt, and they both took a shot at it, missing both times. "It's too low! If I get too close, I'm not going to have time to pull back up before I crash into that train!" Katt complained. Slippy shook his head and pushed his controls forward. "Scardy cat," he joked. His Arwing fell near the ground, and he lined up the shot. Just as he was about to shoot, safety columns exploded from the ground, launching upwards and guarding the switch. "Ach!" he cried, pulling back upwards as quickly as he had fallen. "That leaves it up to me, again, hmm?" Fox smiled. "All right, let's see if I can't do an easy shot like this. What? Whoa!!" The rest of the team looked back in horror as the huge robot used its tail to wrap around the Landmaster and scoop it off of the ground. "It's killing the shields on this thing! Not only that, I'm going to pass up the switch if he doesn't let me down!" Fox looked down at the switch, going swiftly beneath him. He had not worked that hard to see the chance missed. He aimed his cannon inward, towards Mechbeth's stomach, and fired for all he was worth. The machine wrenched around, screeching, and released its grip on the Landmaster. Fox used the boosters to push himself back and tried to take another shot at the switch. But Mechbeth was not done, either. It pulled out of its rage in enough time to give the floating Landmaster one good lashing with its tail. The Landmaster was launched in the air, and Fox was trying to stabilize the craft with the boosters, but it wasn't working. "Guys! I'm falling!" Through the spinning and sprawling viewer in front of him, Fox could see the switch pass by every second or so. He tried to fire off shots as he fell, but he wasn't sure if they connected with the switch. He came in contact with the ground suddenly and finally, with a loud, sickening crunch. Fox felt something come into contact with his head, then heard metal scratching and breaking. He had his eyes closed tightly. He sat still for a few seconds, thinking he was dead from the impact, but then he realized that he could still hear his com. Peppy's voice broadcast instantly. "What happened? Fox, can you hear me?" Fox heard the sound of the engine of an Arwing coming near, and then Slippy's voice over the com. "Oh, man. I don't know how he could live through that." He opened his mouth, which was feeling quite dry, and coughed into the com. "I'm here, guys," he somewhat whispered. "I'm okay, I think." He opened his eyes slowly, readying himself to see an arm broken off or something like that. As his eyes inched open, they came, instead, in contact with a huge, block-headed spike. The spike continued out of the front end of the Landmaster, in a large, newly developed, hole, and went into a large black box beside the train track. "I think… I think it hit the switch," Fox stuttered. "Literally," Katt joked, trying to lighten the situation. "Yeah, Fox," Falco continued. "Why don't you try just shooting it next time?" "I tried that, Falco," Fox attempted a smile, "but I ended up having to use my head." The engineer smiled to himself. "Good. Now, that they're distracted, it's time to step on the gas!" He slammed the accelerator, doubling his speed in seconds. "What in the...?" he said, as he noticed the track switching up ahead. "No, wait! We can't go this way! Hit the brakes! Hit the brakes!!" he yelled as the train careened down the track, blowing up roadblocks along the way. Mechbeth was still gliding along, but it had noticed the speed change, and now, was seeing something wrong. The direction change wasn't expected. They were headed towards a building, and a rather large one, at that. The machine could see a few more trains, docking with the station, but this one was traveling at a speed much too high. There was no way that they'd dock safely with this station. Then it sensed the brakes squealing shrilly, and the train trying to stop. Inside the complex, the two trains that had made it past the mercenaries slowly came to a stop. After the brakes made one final squeak, and the train was halted, the engineers got off and stretched. One signaled to the other. "Did you see them mercs?" "Yeah, a whole load of 'em tracked me down. On-board guns are a miracle." "My defense droids took 'em down in seconds. Should'a seen 'em, though. They thought they was some big threat, the way they flew around me." One of the engineers heard the sound of a fast approaching train. "Aye, you hear that? That sounds awful fast for being this close to the station." "Sure does. Wonder what's goin' on. Let's go check it out." "Naw, I'm sure nothin's wrong." The speeding train shot into the tunnel opening to the station as through the barrel of a gun, and Mechbeth's gliding wings were clipped off by the small opening. They crashed to the ground, but not before they had caused considerable damage to the tunnel itself. Once inside, the train bounced on the shortening track, and then popped off the track. Careening into the boxes of weapons and explosives that had been unloaded from the other two trains, which were meant for the Venomians at Katina, the engineer got a last, terrified glimpse of his colleagues as they dove out of the way. Then, everything turned white. The entire Star Fox Team spun from the wrecked Landmaster as a huge, imploding cloud blasted from the train station, followed by several more, each in hideous echo to the first. The light from the explosions reflected off of Slippy's glossed skin. "Wow," he gasped. Even Fox, who was still upside-down in the Landmaster, gawked in awe at the blast. "Well, that's the end of that guy," he muttered, barely audible to the others over the continuing explosions. "And about half of Venom's aresenal!" Falco concluded. A few minutes later, thanks to a old model tractor beam that Katt had on her ship, the Landmaster was sitting right-side up, and Slippy was giving the wounds a thorough looking-over. "Well, it's not fatal, but boy, is that ever going to take a ton of time to fix." He ran his webbed fingers over the edge of the huge hole, seeming to sense the pain his machine was in. "It's served us well," Fox smiled. "Yeah, I know. All right," he conceded, walking back to his Arwing, "let's get back to the Great Fox!" Fox slipped back into the Landmaster, and looked at all of the ships through the large gash in through the front. "All right, everyone, mission's over! All aircraft report!" Fox said. Peppy sat back and looked at the explosions that were dying off, now. "I'm sure we hurt 'em this time!" Slippy smirked at the idea. "I can see the look on their stupid faces!" Falco laughed, "Now it's our turn to kick some tail!" Katt pulled her ship up near Falco, giggling. "Now we're definitely ready to take Andross on!" Suddenly, a small fleet of pastel-colored ships fell into speed with the Star Fox Team. "I don't think so, Katt Monroe! One mission is long enough!" a female voice called over the com. "Oh, do I have to?" Katt whined. "Drop it, girl, before we have to drop you!" "Man, okay! I'm coming, I'm coming!" Katt moved her ship towards her friends, then took a look back to the Star Fox Team. "I'll talk to you later, Falco," she whispered into her com. Fox laughed to himself as he powered up the boosters on the Landmaster, placing himself in the launching bay of the approaching Great Fox.