Chapter XV Fox winced as sparks flew his way, putting his hand up to guard his eyes. A new wing was being patched onto his faithful old Arwing, and he had come to watch. The robot welding the new wing on made noises that could have been complaining, if it had a voice chip, but it plugged away at fitting the wing to the exact measurement needed. Fox, with his hand still guarding his eyes, walked around the robot, surveying its work. Peppy leaned into the hangar to see where Fox was. He quickly made his way to where Fox was now resting his feet in a chair. He eased himself into one, and then tried to appear like he had been thinking of this all along. He had. "Fox, what are you thinking about?" "Me?" Fox asked, "Thinking? Oh, not a whole lot. Just how dad always made sure to be there when the robots were fixing anything of his. I always thought him that he was too possessive, or something. And now," he stifled a chuckle, "I'm doing it. I've taken note of every last move that robot has made for the last hour." He rested his head in his hands as he leaned backwards. Peppy seemed to take that in stride. "Fox, you are much like your dad, you know." "So you've been telling me for years." "Well, yeah, I guess," Peppy stammered as he tried to think of some way to tie the words he wanted to say in. The both of them sat for several minutes in an awkward silence. Peppy finally decided what to say, and leaned in towards Fox, who was still resting, but now with his eyes shut. "Fox, do you miss him?" Fox raised his eyelids to look at Peppy, checking to see whether he was really serious or not. "Of course I miss him!" For emphasis, he got up and pounded one hand into the other. "I mean, I haven't seen my dad for ten years!!" Fox turned away from Peppy, angry at the question. Peppy smiled as Fox faced the wall, but he kept a serious composure. "Fox, you may..." Peppy's remark was cut off by the speaker, with Falco's voice coming through in strong tones. "Fox, you better get up here! Pepper's on, and he's says it's urgent!" Fox tossed his hands into the air in exasperation, nodded to Peppy, and then ran out of the room. Peppy sat alone for a few minutes, and then finished his sentence. "You may have seen your father more often than you think." Fox walked into the main control room as Pepper looked back at the vidscreen from drinking his coffee. "Fox, you will never believe what happened last night here at the capitol. Someone tried to kill the World Leader." Fox looked incredulous, but then recovered. "It was that cat, right? I knew he was trouble from the moment we picked him up." "Actually, the cat had a good part in helping save the World Leader's life. He, our head tech, you remember," here, the cheetah, hearing his name called, and happening to be on the terminal across the isle from the vidscreen, waved his hand at the group without turning aruond, "and someone you might know got to the scene before the would-be-killer had a chance to shorten that title by two words." General Pepper held up a picture from a security camera, with a perfect shot of the fox's full face and body. "Look familiar, Fox? You have been staying out there and fighting, right?" Fox smiled somewhat at that, but stayed on the subject. "That is amazing. That guy looks, well, almost exactly like me!" He studied the General's face. "Is this some kind of joke?" "No joke, Fox. This person helped save the World Leader's life. I'll bet you'll find this interesting, too. We checked our files, and no one.." Fox interrupted and finished the sentence. "By the name he gave you was ever on the guard. Or, even better, ever existed, am I right?" Pepper nodded, a smirk on his face. "I should have guessed. Put it under the unsolved cases, I guess." Fox paused for a second, then continued, "So who was it? Disgruntled worker or something?" Pepper pushed his hat up with his hand, and rested his hand on his forehead. "Actually, you could probably guess what happened." "Andross, right?" Pepper nodded in the affirmative, and then went on to explain. "He was very smart about the entire thing, though. He went through the new Macbethan World Leader, who happened to be a seven-foot bear and, incidentally, was a general in Andross' army." "Let me guess. It was at that peace conference that he tried to kill the World Leader." When Pepper nodded yet again, Fox smiled. "How ironic," he said while chuckling. "Well, all's well that end's well, right?" "It's not ended, yet, Fox. In case you haven't noticed, Andross is still around, and still trying to take over the system." "Not for much longer." "That's true. This could the final battle with Andross. And it takes place in Andross' homeworld, Venom." The vidscreen shifted to a computer screen with the planet Venom in the center as the cheetah backed away from it. "I've got just a slight bit of information to tell you. Of course, as this is Andross' base, you can be sure that it's heavily guarded. Be prepared for almost anything. Andross would go to all costs to exterminate you and your friends." Pepper moved a pointer on the screen, and an area of the surface of Venom was magnified. "Now, we've had just three who actually were alive long enough to discover the site of the base," Pepper sighed as he rested his hand on his forehead again. "Unfortunatley, all three reports were conflicting. Andross has done quite a good job using the atmosphere to scramble our technology. As soon as the ships entered the atmosphere, they lost most of their communications, and had absoloutely no scanners. The only thing that each of the three ships mentioned is that the base looked like a temple. As soon as they entered, we lost everything. They were on their own, and thus far, have not returned. We, um, don't have much hope for them," Pepper looked down as he said it. Fox looked down in a moment of silence as well. "How many have died so far?" he queried, not really wanting to know, but craving the answer. "I don't have the final number yet, but this war has cost us. Many people have given their lives to protect their freedom. When this is all over," Pepper said, pointing at the vidscreen on which Fox and his friends were gathered, "I hope that I don't have to list your names with them. Serve your planet well, Fox McCloud. Don't let us down." General Pepper actually saluted towards the group. Fox received the salute, and returned one as he said, "You can count on us, sir! Fox out!" The screen fizzled out one more time as the group of four ran out of the main control room, ready to fight the final battle. The Arwings heated up, and shot out of the Great Fox as if had been built for this moment, pink fire flaring out of the engine with a new heat. The cheetah watched his computer screen as a nearby satelite relayed the images of Venom to him. Pepper was standing behind him as the four Arwings hummed quietly towards the greenish, poisonous Venomian atmosphere. "Do you think they can do it?" the cheetah asked honestly. Pepper waited for the four to dissapear under the cloudy mantle. "They've got to." Fox took the lead of the four crafts, and called into his com, "We're entering Venom atmosphere. This is it, guys! Be ready for anything!" The brown-black ground flew upwards to meet them, and then they leveled out, seeing huge mountains in the distance. Dr. Andross was watching the entire scene on a moniter in front of him. "Yes, come, Fox, to meet your reward for what you've done to me!" He looked at the Arwings on the screen, wanting so much to just crush them then and there. He turned to one of his generals. "Now!" The general relayed the information to other people, while Andross sat, tapping his fingertips together. "The gauntlet has begun." On the sides of the mountain that the Arwings were approaching, two doors opened. The Star Fox team couldn't even tell what was happening. First, a small trickle of black flew out of the doors, but soon, the number grew to be quite large, as black shot out of those two holes, and started charging Fox. "Those are ships!!!" Fox realized. They pushed down, escaping the first volley, but waiting for the next. Fox looked up, and saw the black stream of ships wash over the group, like a huge wave covering them. "We're in for it now! Let's go!!" Peppy was shooting down as many as possible before they could land a shot on him. "There's just too many! They're going to close us in!!" Slippy pulled away from the group for a second. "Not if I can help it!! Clear!!" A red bomb shot into the cloud of ships, and erupted into an amazing display of fireworks, both black and white. The group continued on, pressing themselves into a small valley. "Don't get too far away from each other, guys!" Falco saw Slippy's point. "He's right. They're probably trying to get us to split up!! We'll show them! Hold together!!" Falco looked ahead in the valley, seeing what he worst feared. Rows of pure stone bridged the valley, making an altogether small area for the Arwings to fit through. If they ventured too far up, or too far down, they'd lose most of their craft to the columns. Peppy saw them, maybe before Falco. "This is going to be a tight fit! Everyone, be careful!!" The four ships weaved in and out of the rows, avoiding enemy fire as they went. When they pulled out of the valley, Peppy's nerves had taken quite a bit. "We made it!" Fox saw more doors sticking out of the brown-black plain beneath them. "But it's not near over." Andross heard Fox's words over the com. "If only he knew how true it were!" He slowly got up from his chair, and paced towards his machine. His creation that would help him take over the system. He turned it on, and it hummed a gentle hello to him. He smiled. Fighters poured like a deluge from the doors, where ever there was one. The group had gotten quite used to the Venomian fighters shooting around them, flying past them. Fox guided them through the masses, hoping to get to some clear airspace soon so that he could slow down his heart. The Venomians had the advantage, Fox knew without a doubt, but if he and the other three kept their heads, they would be all right, he hoped. "Single file, people!" Fox called. The four Arwings shot like a thread through the sheets of Venomians filling the air. The air cleared a little bit, and they went into four-ship formation again. Fox looked ahead into the green sky, and realized that the path that they were taking divided in two. "Falco and Slippy go left! Peppy, stick with me and let's go right!" Falco fell away from the group, as Slippy followed. "You can count on us!" Slippy cried into the com nervously. "Let's take it to them! Keep your coms open, everyone!" Andross ran his hand along the metal exterior of the machine as it hummed to him. He brought up a few windows on the monitor, each displaying an area on Venom. The Star Fox Team was broadcast in two of them. He placed two gloves, each connected by a wire to the machine, on his hands, and a visor over his head. The machine responded to the activation of the hardware, and Andross picked up a small, wooden block and peered at it through the visor. The machine copied the image of the block, and then highlighted the windows again. Andross looked at window with Fox and Peppy in it, and pressed his huge finger to an area just ahead of Fox. Fox sat in his Arwing, watching the tanks beneath him fire round after round at he and Peppy. He dodged to the right, left, swerved up and down, taking out some of the tanks in the process. The tanks paused, seeming to be waiting for something, but Fox was using the time to take a few deep breaths. He closed his eyes for a second, and then opened them, staring a huge wooden block in its carved face. He panicked, and pulled up just seconds before he hit it, and then looked back at it. The carved face of Andross on the block seemed to be laughing at him. Andross pressed the screen again. As Fox turned around from looking at the block, he almost ran into another. "What's going on here?!?" he almost shouted into his com as another block appeared out of air directly in front of he and Peppy. Peppy was busy dodging the blocks, but he tried to answer Fox's question. "I wouldn't know, Fox. But we know that Andross is behind it, that's for sure," he said as he passed another laughing face of Andross impressed on a block. "This is probably another one of his inventions. Just keep your guard up, Fox." Fox wondered how much longer he could. Falco took the lead from Slippy, and started shooting down Venomians with every blast of laser he had. He was accurate at first, but within a few minutes, his shots started going wild. Slippy came to his side to help out. "Hang in there, Falco! We're getting closer!!" He shot down a huge, moth-like robot, and then hit the boost. Falco did likewise. Andross moved the visor so that it scanned a large beam of wood. He played with the images on the screen, knowing that it would take a few minutes to work out. Fox saw up ahead what he feared would happen. "There's another split in the canyons, here! We're going to have to break up again! Everyone, just be careful!!" Peppy waved to Fox as the rock walls seperated them. "See you on the other side!" Fox slammed his concentration back to what was happening in front of him when a huge wooden beam flew through the air straight at him. "What in the world?!" More beams seemed to come from no where and charge at him. He was suddenly feeling boxed in by Andross. "He's got this whole place rigged!!" The four canyons opened up again into a huge field, and the four Arwings joined back together just as quickly. Beams were flying everywhere, sticking in the ground at strange angles, and jutting into the air. Fox was trying to just shoot them out of the way when he discovered, "These things are indestructible!" He abandoned shooting them and began evading to the right and left. The beams stopped coming, and they had a chance to rest again. A few seconds later, however, a wall of the beams appeared, and blocked where they were headed. "Shoot the thing! We've got to move it or we'll slam into the canyon walls!" The four Arwings blasted a panel of the wall, and it spun as if on a hinge, giving them a small opening to fly through. As they passed through the opening, a mist covered their sight. "This can't be good," Slippy moaned. The mist cleared to reveal a large, brownish ediface resembling an ancient temple, hiding in a natural hill. "This place gives me the creeps." Falco agreed, "You said it. Fox, what should we do?" Fox boosted in front of them. "We go in single file. Follow me!" The four ships got in a straight line, and crawled through the air into the temple. Short, rough-carved statues of Andross swung their arms of stone at the Arwings, trying to smack them out of the air. "Just be careful, everyone! Don't get panicked on us!" Peppy slid a little to the left, to avoid one of the statues. "There isn't enough room back here to get panicked!" Slippy noticed a form moving up ahead. "What is that thing?" Falco eased on his brake. "Don't get too close! It looks like one of those statues made to look like Andross!" "It could be a trap," Peppy pointed out. He watched as the statue began to jog down the halls of statues, swinging their arms away. "We've got to get past it! It's giving Andross more time!" "Right! Let's give it a small shot to persuade it to move!" Fox shot a warning shot, and the statue robot swung backwards with its hands, trying to hit Fox. "Whoa! This thing is violent!" The statue didn't stop there, however. It started hitting the walls with its fists, causing rows of stone to shoot out of the walls suddenly, making the area that the crafts could move through even smaller. "Cram in here, guys! There's not another option unless you want to head back to those Venomian ships!" The statue leapt into the air, and stomped on the ground, forcing three or four columns to the ceiling. "Turn sideways, everyone!" The four ships went into a partial barrel roll, and continued in shooting the statue robot. The statue continued to swing its arms in huge arcs, trying to slam the Arwings into the walls. Slippy edged out of the way as the statues etched in the walls threw their arms out as well. "I don't know if I can make it!" Falco moved to take the back place, and ordered Slippy forward. "Hang in there, Slip. We've got to knock this thing out! Fox, is there any way past this thing?" "Doesn't look like it. Just blast this thing, and don't get hit by these stupid stones!!" Fox charged up his laser, and blasted it at the back panel of the statue. The rocks blasted off, revealing a robotic core. "Here's an idea! Shoot the rocks off of this thing, and we'll be able to just blow it up!" Peppy was getting a bit nervous from all of this crowding in. "Can't we just use a bomb?" Slippy was quick to stop that. "No room, Peppy. A bomb would cave this place in faster than you could turn the ship around." Falco charged his laser. "Well, then, looks like we have no choice but to toast this thing! Let's blast it!" His laser was at such a high level, it hummed as it shot past Fox, stripping the legs of rock to metal. "Careful, there!" Fox admonished. "Good work, though. Now, aim for the arms!" Slippy had a laser already charged. "Here it comes!" A greenish laser tore one of the arms open, and Peppy's next shot cleared the rocks off of the last one. The robot leapt into the air again, robotic arms sparking. "Watch out!!" More columns launched into the air, and the four ships split around them. On Macbeth, a lizard received message of the attack on Venom. "It'ssss begun," he his hissed to his assisstant beside him. "We musssst defeat the Katina base!! Begin the sssiege!" At his word, the mouse standing as officer to the lizard spoke some words into a com, and then returned to the lizard's side. On the outer orbit of Macbeth, a satelite base's bay doors clanked opened, revealing black ships waiting for the message. The sound of engines revving roared and the light of the fire from the engines blazed, as every single cockpit in the base was filled. No ship was spared. The flew as wildfire towards their target, Katina. A tech looked at a readout on his monitor, then reloaded it, and checked again. He turned on his com, and tried to tune to the lead ship's com. "Unidentified ships approaching Katina by way of Solar, this is the Katina Space Control Center. Would you identify, please?" He listened to the fuzz as there was no answer. "I repeat, unidentified ships, will you please identify? If you do not identify, we will have to assume your approach as menacing, and proceed with attack. Identify, over." After receiving no answer a second time, the tech switched the com, and contacted the head tech. "Sir, I think we've found those Venomians that you said might be coming." Bill lodged his foot into the stepladder to his ship, and threw his other foot into the cockpit. "Let's go, everyone! Get a move on out of there!" General Pepper's voice boomed throughout the hangars. "Remember, depending on how these last few battles turn out, this could be the last time we have to fight against Andross! Get the upper hand early in the attack!" Wolf sped along, with all of the other black plated ships from Macbeth. They were denied to send anything over the coms until the base was destroyed, and even then, they were to remain silent on the way back to the base. But this kind of attacking wasn't like Wolf. He thrived on the fear that came when the victim knew exactly who the attacker was, and was scared to death of them. This silence wouldn't accomplish anything. The KSCC would know who was attacking, but Wolf would get no thrill out of destroying silently what he would gladly destroy with threats raining on his enemies. It wasn't fair, but he was in no position to complain at the moment. The whole idea was to delay the Cornerian Space Force long enough to have time to destroy the base. By being silent, and refusing to identify, they would force the Katinans to balk and make sure they were sending fighters to attack Venom, and not some trade ship of theirs with a bad communications system. As far away as they were, Wolf knew that if the Katinans knew that it was the Venomians attacking, the Cornerian Space Force would be short-cutting to Katina as fast as they possibly could. They'd meet and fight over Katina. The last time that had happened, Venom had taken great losses. This time would be different; they had the advantage of time, and he knew that if they were even just a few seconds ahead of the Cornerians, it was an advantage worth taking. If only he could keep quiet for a few more minutes, it'd be over. But the urge to at least threaten his enemies was becoming hard to ignore. Fox ripped back on his controls, narrowly avoiding another row of stone which had blasted out from the walls of the temple. The robot had been leading them further and further into the edifice, and Fox wondered just how close Andross' base really was. He trained his crosshairs on the robot's red and black flashing back, and launched several volleys. "Come on, just drop!!" The machine seemed to ignore the demand and leap into the air, causing several more columns of stone to rise up out of the floor. "Split!" he yelled to his wingmen. Peppy slid around one of the columns, and released a few more blasts on the enemy. "This thing is strong!!" "Well, if you were made of stone, you'd be pretty strong, too!" Slippy dodged to the right of the column, and followed up Peppy's shots. "Considering it's the only thing keeping us from Andross right now, I'd say it's doing fairly well. Fox, we've got to get this thing out of the way," Falco added. "I agree. Four ship formation! Charge lasers!!" Duplicating the attack they had tried on Zoness, the four ships dropped back into a diamond formation, and charged their lasers. "Lock target!" All four computers in the Arwings locked onto the robot in front of them. "Fire!!!" All four lasers were fired at once, uniting into a band of white light and slamming the robot. The robot reeled, but continued on at a slower pace. Falco was fed up. "Again! Charge lasers!! Lock target!! Fire!!!" The rapid return of the pain and light was too much for the robot. It ground to a halt, suddenly flaming and sparking. The thing put its hands to its head, and fell to its knees. As it began to explode, Falco saw their chance. "Now! Let's get out of here!!" The opening to the outside world was very welcome to the four ships, and as they passed through it, they continued to feel the vibrations of the robot's explosion. Soon, the very temple's foundations began to crack, and the building shook with the repercussions, sound exploding in their ears. They passed through the crumbling opening, and rocks began to sprinkle down on their cockpits. Fox brought up the rear of the group, watching as a block to the left of him shoving its way out of the wall. At the moment Fox passed the block, it launched out of the wall towards him. "Whoa!!" He whipped to the right, dragging his right wing across the wall. Suddenly, the pressure snapped back, and Fox saw a familiar flash to his right. He looked to his right, and then slammed his hands against the side of the cockpit. "Always, always, always keep an eye on robots! Next time, I'm putting this thing back on myself!" The wing that had split away from Fox's Arwing splintered as it hit the ground, half sticking into the collapsing wall and half unceremoniously digging its way into the ground. A few seconds later, as the Star Fox Team regrouped just outside the temple, the edifice gave way to the crumbling walls and fell in on top of itself, throwing up huge shockwaves in all directions and jutting odd-shaped rocks into the air where they once stood as guards, broken arms still swinging. Bursts of dust exploded around the area, and middle sized rocks caromed through the air, back to the ground, and then took to the air again. As the dust diffused into the brownish air and brown-black ground, the remains of the temple had clearly been put to rest, never to rise again. A pillar with the mocking smile of Andross' remained standing, not far from the destroyed temple, reminding the group that the war was not over yet. They circled around to view the damage, for a few seconds blind to everything but the awesome wreckage the robot's explosion had caused. Fox, after sitting quietly for a few seconds, and then turned on his com again. "Wow." "Uh-huh." Slippy concurred. "Something's wrong," Falco wondered out loud. "What do you mean, Falco?" Peppy inquired. "Pep, you know as well as I do that one explosion with a robot like that wouldn't be big enough to bring down that whole building." "Well, it did." "That's the problem." "I see what he's saying," Slippy said. "Maybe it was rigged with explosives to go off when the robot was destroyed." Fox was skeptical. "But why would he destroy his own base?" Peppy was catching on, now. "Maybe to kill us, or maybe," he paused for a few seconds, mulling over the thought, "he wanted us to think that it was his base, and leave." "But if that's true, where is he now?" "That's a good question. If I'm right, he's not going to show himself until we are gone." "Are you saying that we should leave? If we leave now, he'll build up defenses and it will be impossible for us to get back!" "And if we keep searching for this base, we'll run out of fuel, Fox! Besides that, you're in no shape to fight, with a wing missing! I say we leave! Slippy, you got that monitoring system on the Great Fox up and running?" "Yeah, I had some extra time on my hands, so I..." "Then we need to get back as fast as possible," Peppy interrupted. "I've got an idea to get Andross out of hiding. Just trust me on this one, guys." Peppy nosed upward towards the sky, and hit his boosters in order to reach escape velocity. Falco followed, and Slippy went soon after him. Fox fought his broken wing, and started upwards, too. "Why do I get this feeling that we came so close?" The pillar with Andross' face on it roared at him in silent laughter, knowing the plan had worked. The Black Mist Squadron was somewhere in the middle of the other squadrons on the way to Katina. Bill looked to his left, and saw the leader of the Dark Storm Squadron, jaw set and eyes straight ahead. Katina began to get closer, but the black cloud that was the Macbethan Space Force, conveniently borrowed by Andross was nowhere to be seen. That was fine with Bill. The fighting would begin later, and Bill wanted to be ready for it. The Venomians weren't planning on even being met, and they would be plenty angry that their ploy hadn't worked. Katina was much closer to Wolf than to Bill at that moment. In fact, Wolf could see the Katina base from where he was. It was still hard not to say anything; he was sure they had been spotted long ago, and the silence would help no one now. It was so difficult not to break the direction, with all that he wanted to say. His attempts at saying anything were met with a dry mouth. Fresh in his memory was the confrontation that he had had with Andross not long ago. Andross had the upper hand, almost literally, and had seemed ready to kill Wolf on the spot, without a second thought. Still, he had to fight the urge to at least threaten the Katinans. But the urge was so strong, so strong. Andross settled himself back into his throne and cast a weary eye to his generals. "Come, let us complete our plan. Good work, everyone. Start the cloaking device!" The cloaking device came to a loud hum as a general pressed a button. "Begin the engines! Quickly, time is of the essence!" The small craft began to speed back to the surface of Venom, through thick, green clouds and searing gases to the site of the ruins. Andross looked over his own work and sighed with a smile on his face. "The plan worked well, generals. They passed the opening to our base with no more than a second glance. He was getting back to his seat when a com speaker open to the Venomians headed to Katina blasted forth an expulsion of static. "What's that?!?" Andross snapped. A general holding a clipboard looked to the speaker cringed as Andross looked his way. "I don't know, sir! Those fighters were under orders to not even turn their coms on! The speaker must be malfunctioning!" But the general was wrong. Wolf readjusted the headset back into position from where he had tossed it when the static had forced him to drop it. He still felt like a small child disobeying a simple rule, but he had justified it to himself. "Be afraid, Katinans!!!" he yelled into the com. "Be overcome with fear, for it is the Venomians who cause your death!!" The general back in the ship at Venom tossed his clipboard into the air as the words echoed into his ears, a direct disobeying of the Emporer's orders. The whole communications area of the ship exploded into action, people asking who had broken orders, people yelling at their own warriors, and people commanding all of the ships to be quiet. No one noticed that the general's clipboard had landed on the board with the cloaking device's controls on it. It had landed squarely on top of the button, as a matter of fact. The squabble of chatter masked the device's power down nicely, and the ship headed directly towards Andross' real base, completely open to the world. "There!" Fox's finger shot towards the vidscreen, which had a map of the area of Venom on it. "There's a ship over there that just appeared out of no where!" A small blip on the screen called everyone's attention to itself as it moved near the site of the ruins, towards a crevasse in the ground surrounded by pillars, and dissappeared into the ground.